Why does he care if I smoke?

2019-10-08 7:16 am
He keeps telling me I smoke too much, and that I'll die if I keep smoking like that.
I'm aware of the health risks, but it doesn't effect him as long as I don't smoke near him...
I understand if I'm smoking near or around non smokers, I make an effort to keep distance from people when I smoke. (unless they're smoking too)
So why would he dare what I do?

回答 (12)

2019-10-08 11:07 pm
Who is 'he?'  Your husband? Your son?  Your doctor?  The stranger who sees you lighting up in the parking lot as you head for your car?
2019-10-12 12:24 pm
Maybe because it's not good for health.
2019-10-11 12:30 pm
It better not be because he loves you or cares about you because loving someone is not a reason to care that someone smokes
2019-10-08 3:16 pm
You can smoke if you want, but you probably stink to high heaven after you've finished smoking. I know i do. I switched to electronic cigarettes - i smoke Lychee brand.

Anyway, once in a while i will smoke a regular cigarette or two and i REEK! I can't even stand smelling myself!
2019-10-08 11:13 am
he might be one of those crazy people that don't want you to die..  i'm one..
2019-10-08 7:34 am
He may not want you to become ill. He may be tired of the stench on your clothes, hair, and breath.
2019-10-08 7:24 am
From your description it appears that *he* cares about your health and it is frustrating to him that you do not take better care of your respiratory system.

I do not believe i can relate to either but see if you can talk  this out, explain to him why you smoke and that his constant comments on the subject are very grating.
2019-10-08 10:54 pm
When you care about people, you care about things that harm them. If he didn't care about you he wouldn't care if you smoked. He wouldn't care what you do. If he didn't care, he literally wouldn't care.

He cares because he CARES. If that doesn't matter to you, then why exactly are you together? He has demonstrated to you that he is concerned about your long-term health. If that has no impact on how you think, feel, or behave, then he doesn't really matter to you. At least not enough for you to change how you think, feel, or behave. So what is he to you then?

You are certainly under no obligation to change for anyone. But you asked why he cares. There is a good reason why. If that reason doesn't matter to you, then he doesn't matter that much to you. If he does matter to you, then it's up to you to decide what to do about that.
2019-10-08 6:27 pm
Probably because he cares but my girlfriend smokes a lot (Mayfair) and I don't mind standing next to her when she is smoking. Sometimes I even tell her to blow her smoke across me.
2019-10-08 7:27 am
He doesn’t want you destroying your body. It’s pretty simple.

He might love you. You hurting yourself does affect him.

You’re lucky he cares.
2019-10-08 7:22 am
Maybe because he cares about you. Is that so hard to believe? I don't know who this person is to you but if you want to keep him around at least you could try not being so defiant of his concern.
2019-10-08 7:17 am
Maybe he cares about your health. Or your breath.

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