
2019-10-06 11:09 pm

回答 (3)

2019-10-07 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
2019-10-31 9:51 pm
音效卡有內建和外接兩種 你買主機板一般都會隨機都附上內建音效卡
2019-10-07 3:02 am
1. In the past, yes. Nowadays, no.

In the past, sound card is a standalone item that must be purchased with any computers.

However, nowadays, practically all motherboards, including OEM motherboards, come with sound chipset that eliminates the need of a standalone sound card.

If you can find any connectors for sound on a motherboard, then the motherboard has equipment all necessary sound components. Hence, no standalone sound card is needed.

2. No. At the minimum, you have no place to plug that in.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:44:40
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