How old were you when you went into College?

2019-10-06 3:21 am
I am 23 years old and I am going to start going to college next spring, but to be honest I feel a embarrased and afraid, I mean I am not a kid anymore and I am ashamed of going too old to continue my education. I have never had a girldfrind before.

回答 (15)

2019-10-06 3:22 am
I started university when I was 16 (I turned 17 shortly after).  I also had never dated anyone before that.  That changed pretty quickly however.  I enjoyed my time at university way more than high school.
2019-10-06 3:25 am
2019-10-06 3:52 am
I was about 19........I went straight to work right out of high school.........(actually, I was working THRU Highschool)----)......... but then a girlfriend's father asked me why I didn't go to college.

I about laughed in his face.....and explained I had no money for that. So he agreed to pay for the first semester, if I was interested.

I thought he was JOKING.

He was dead serious. So I thought it over, and took him up on the offer and then worked my butt off to pay him back............and that's how I got started.
2019-10-07 8:38 am
I started the college at almost 21 years old.
2019-10-06 8:01 am
I started college at 18.
2019-10-06 4:51 am
you dont have to be worried about that, none one is too old or too young to make their dreams come true and also i have a friend who started college at 27 and he is having a happy life there so just enjoy the ride love the ending :)
2019-10-06 4:30 am
I was 23. Then 28. Then 30.

I keep taking one course at a time. Maybe I'll finish when I'm like 300.
2019-10-06 3:46 am
Adult college only, better late than never.
2019-10-06 3:26 am
I had just turned 18.
2019-10-06 3:24 am
I started at 18 but took a 4 year break, in the military, after 3 semesters. So when I returned, I was 23 when I returned to college. It was not an issue.
2019-10-06 3:23 am
I started college when I was 19 years old.
2019-10-06 4:02 am
Sooooooooo, you stop learning at the age of 19 and learn no more? Is that how it goes? I was a return student IN A UNIVERSITY MARCHING BAND at the ripe old age of 29 and graduated at age 32. I guess I am the bigger fool for then going back to community college after having my baby and getting degrees in agriculture, landscaping, and business and graduating from ag school at age 40. Well well well go sit in a corner and rot away while I grow strawberries for fun and feed my chickens for the eggs. I guess this sounds rude, but, think about it, what shame is there in continuing your education? Don't you want to know how an automatic door sensor works to open and shut automatic sliding doors? My husband went back to school at age 25 and took automotive mechanics and has been working for the past 19+ years at a car dealership fixing cars and he needs to be sent to Southern California every two years to go to classes to keep up on updates in the new cars. What shame is there in learning to sail a boat or even build one? I will give you a link to a video (safe link) of a guy who is older than you who is building a boat and is even having people feeling for him and spending their vacations volunteering to help him. Get inspired and get back into being interested in knowledge.
2019-10-06 3:41 am
Well?........ In my CASE?....... My FATHER said you're FORTUNATE!......... You get to GO to VOCATIONAL school.......... Pick the LABOR of your CHOICE...........😂😂😂😂
2019-10-06 3:29 am
I was 16 because I was in a program known as early college. and I didn not get a girlfriend until I was 26, a decade later
2019-10-06 3:26 am
I first went around 19 for a year. Then dropped out until 50, then completed what I needed in 4 yrs.

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