Why do people believe the hearsay of the 12 apostles who barely believed themselves instead of the 2 million Romans who LOL! at them?

2019-10-04 1:46 am

回答 (18)

2019-10-04 1:49 am
"Because the majority is never right.' -- spam-troll Chris

The majority of people believe Muhammad was not a great prophet. The majority of people believe the Earth is (roughly) spherical.

And now spam-troll Chris, whose salvation is in no way contingent on personal integrity, will give himself multiple thumbs-up.
2019-10-04 1:51 am
Because the Bible is here, and the Romans are dead.
2019-10-04 1:48 am
Because all but one of them died in defense of this "hearsay," and what they described was correctly prophesied hundreds of years before they were born.
2019-10-04 1:50 am
atheist trolling ***************************** ******************************
2019-10-04 1:47 am
Because the majority is never right.
John 3:16. Jesus is God and Savior.
2019-10-04 1:51 am
Why would anyone who "barely believed" anything go to their deaths as martyrs (some of them at least)?
2019-10-04 1:55 am
So the apostles were willing to die for something they barely believed in huh? Why don't you think before you speak you will look less like an idiot when you do. Because boy right now you sound like one
2019-10-04 2:31 am
How about because Rome fell, and the 12 took over the world - often in spite of themselves. Barely believed??? All but John suffered martyrdom. Seemed they kinda believed.
2019-10-04 5:02 am
We Christians believe that "all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial." (2 Timothy 3:16 )
We use the Bible as a practical guide to learn about the creator and to live meaningful lives.

The Bible says: "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." (Psalm 83:18 )
參考: Bible
2019-10-04 1:57 am
It's when that "hearsay" becomes reality time and time again, as long as you don't act like an imbecile and pretend it doesn't happen, that is.
2019-10-04 2:15 am
You're RIGHT! UNBELIEVABLE that 12 men changed the world!
It's not humanly possible!

The requirement of FAITH took time.
Notice the bible never covered anything up.
They CAME TO believe.

The Roman's? Actually THEY also came to believe, and some saw who Jesus was.
I think those tough Roman's who all fell asleep, and...
weren't they killed for it? Isn't that harsh?
Imagine ALL fell asleep!

Then the resurrection.

It's getting so the majority do drugs, happily supplied by China, who wants to destroy US.

And those likely laugh too!
But that changes, doesn't it?

Those 12 saw CHANGE, positive change, and so have millions more.
This earth is very temporary, go talk to your grandma.
2019-10-04 3:42 am
Catholicism is the One True Faith and a person can know this with certainty by reciting the rosary every day with care.
2019-10-04 1:53 am
Jesus is the reason..
2019-10-04 1:52 am
Hearsay hello The Apostles walked beside Jesus. JESUS BLESS YOU
2019-10-04 5:27 pm
Because the Romans had to move out of that country and the Christians didn't?
2019-10-04 1:45 pm
Its GODS word, some holy men of God simply wrote them down for him - and for us.

I seem to have stumbled into the Kiddie Korral today.
2019-10-04 7:10 am
The apostles agree with the rest of the Bible and the rest of the Bible agrees with them. Due to this, they have Jehovah's approval (Galatians 1:8). Thanks to all of this, we, as real Christians have a reliable way to rest our lives. Unlike the rest of humans. Do you wonder why the Bible calls Jehovah our Rock?
2019-10-04 1:51 am
I dunno. Why does donnie have so much support when he lies all the time?

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