Geico claims to be less expensive than AAA but I am paying 1500 a year with them and quote from aaa is 1000 a year. Why is this?

2019-10-03 10:56 pm
I have a perfect driving record but why would I be paying 500 more a year with a company that is supposed to be cheap

回答 (13)

2019-10-03 11:47 pm
Of all the Geico advertising I've seen their claims of being less than insurers - and naming specific customer names - have never included AAA. That's one of the reasons are we have AAA. AAA Roadside Assistance, discounts at many hotels and other "travel related" places, registering your vehicle at most AAA offices (rather than going in to the DMV) and other non-vehicle insurance (and additional discounts) just add to the AAA choice.
2019-10-03 11:32 pm
All insurance companies can claim less expense, Read or Listen to the fine print: The specifics, and Limitations.
1. Which company has the most declined claims.
2. Each company has actuaries who may work from different data,

Some companies offer cheaper premiums, because they Don't Pay Off.
Some companies offer cheaper premiums because they don't cover everything the other does, or may offer "specials"
Some have "tie-in" offers, which may or may not have extra value.

All insurance companies have high rates in areas were Insurance is a Must have, by law.

Variation in expenses:
Age of Driver
Area of Geographical primary use.
Colour of Vehicle
Type of Vehicle
Number of Insured items (other vehicles, home, life, etc)
Use of Vehicle.
Believe it or not, Race/Creed. (Prove it)
2019-10-03 11:07 pm
They all claim to be less expensive than everyone else. There are many reasons for rate variation including coverage terms and exclusions, zip code, discounts, driving record, rate increase approvals by regulators, marketing focus for an area, and more. Generally quote three sources as a minimum with identical coverage.
2019-10-03 11:04 pm
same thing happened to me with another company. they gave me low rates at first. but over the years it kept going up. they told me it was because of where I lived. the area had a lot of accidents. the companies lure you in with low rates but year after year they raise the rates until you're paying really high rates. That's when you have to start shopping for a new company and start all over again. 
2019-10-03 11:45 pm
When you get a quote for an insurance company, they don't have all the information they need for an accurate rate quote. So they make some assumptions that result in a rate that is lower than what you would actually get if you sign up with them. They are certainly not obligated to give you the rate they quoted you.

Furthermore, an insurance company might have the lowest rates this year, but the highest next year.
2019-10-04 8:06 pm
Assuming the coverage's are identical, It is because that is the way it is. Is someone twisting your arm and making you pay $500. more a year than you have to?
2019-10-04 10:39 am
Because of who you are and where you live. It's different for every person. No company is cheapest for everyone.
2019-10-04 2:49 am
You say they "claim", where? In their advertising? That doesn't mean squat.
2019-10-03 11:13 pm
They have some very expensive ad campaigns to support. By paying the extra 500 you're doing your part to make sure the annoying gecko stays on air and the irritating cave man comes back for another visit.
2019-10-05 5:25 pm
Lemmy tell you a little secret that's not a secret: They all say that. It's this thing called advertising.

I've worked with countless insurance companies, and they all say the same thing. Drivers who switched to Geico / AAA / Farmers / Economical / Intact / Shifting Sands Mutual of Saudi Arabia saved an average of < insert made up number here > per year. Or better yet, if you have a good driving record, AAA / Sosumi / State Farm / Kardashian Insurance will save you an average of 25%.

Notice how they never say how they calculated that average? Notice how they never say 25% of what? Sometimes they have a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen, but it's displayed in patent pending eye-strain-o-vision size and it's only there half a second.

So why do they do that? Because everyone is paying too much for car insurance, and nobody is going to get a quote from a company that claims to charge more than their competitors, that's why. And price is the most important thing when people are buying insurance, at least before they have an accident.
2019-10-04 10:23 pm
They make false claims because they are salesman. The quotes are what you will be paying. Numbers don't lie, people do. AAA is usually better to go with because membership with tripleA also includes other benefits.
2019-10-04 6:41 am
Presumably GEICO could tell you. AAA write auto insurance? I thought they had sponsor companies.
2019-10-03 11:25 pm
To justify that, Geico would have to show that they are better at paying off claims than AAA, or that you have more coverage under Geico.

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