

回答 (2)

2019-10-04 4:00 pm
The reason was the voucher would have a bigger positive effect on the economy rather than cash.

The problem with cash was a person was not obligated to spend it. So in many cases, most of the cash would end up back to the financial system (deposit or debt repayment).

On the other hand, when the vouchers were issued for the purpose of spending only, regardless any side effects, it will directly strength the economy by creating purchasing power, as well as it helped businesses to protect existing workforce or encouraged hiring. Ultimately, it would lower the government's burden as a result of the economical downturn.

It also dramatically increased the GDP to make the numbers looking better.
2019-10-03 10:44 pm

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:42:47
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