
2019-10-03 6:27 pm

And we meet... ... = 我們遇見

Now... We... = 現在……我們

We get married = 我們結婚啦!

The world is so big = 世界那麼大

But I still meet you = 但我仍然遇見你

From single to couple = 從單變雙

We feel glad and feel blue = 我們一起高興悲傷

Something between us = 有啲野係我地之間

The name call love = 它的名字叫愛

Our road will be starts here = 我們的旅程在此展開

回答 (3)

2019-10-05 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 先說一般動詞的時式原則:
(A) 懷念+說明往事 的時候要用 過去式
(B) 對未來的描述要用未來式
(C) 期望決心 要用現在原形 來強調

And we meet... ... = 我們遇見
=> Here (there) we met...

Now... We... = 現在……我們 (OK)

We get married = 我們結婚啦! => We are getting married!

The world is so big = 世界那麼大 => As the world is so big,...

But I still meet you = 但我仍然遇見你 => ... fate brought us together.

From single to couple = 從單變雙 => Turning two singles into a couple...

We feel glad and feel blue = 我們一起高興悲傷 => we've gone thru thick and thin

Something between us = 有啲野係我地之間 => something among us...

The name call love = 它的名字叫愛 = it is love we called

Our road will be starts here = 我們的旅程在此展開 => our journey starts here today.
2019-10-03 9:40 pm
And we meet... ... => And we met... ...

But I still meet you => But I still met you

We feel glad and feel blue (✓)
也可寫: Together, we share times of gladness as well as sadness/grief

The name call love => Her name is LOVE

Our road will be starts here => Our road will start here
2019-10-03 9:07 pm
And we "meet"...
We get married.
The world is so big;
"Yet" I am pleased to meet you...
From single to "courting couples".
We feel glad and feel blue..
Something between us...
"By" the name called "LOVE"...
Our road starts (grammar means the present tense) here.
Our road  "starts"  here .
"From here to eternity".

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 19:37:38
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