What is an accurate period tracker app to help with trying to conceive, or help with tracking periods?

2019-10-02 6:37 am
I know you can't go by an period app and get pregnant. I just want an accurate period app to help me track of my periods. I been using glow, but I don't know how accurate it is. My husband and I are wanting to try for another baby next year!

What are the best prenatal vitamins to take? I took gummies with my first one. I been told regular vitamins with folic acid does well also.

回答 (6)

2019-10-03 10:46 pm
Note that Mother Nature sometimes likes to spring surprises, so even the best calculated tracker might be wrong sometimes. You have already had ne baby according to your notes, so there is not likely to be any problem between the two of you in starting a further baby.
2019-10-02 7:49 am
You're doing it right so far. I am using Flo, and it seems pretty darn accurate. At least when my hormones don't throw my cycle out of whack. Not sure what else to recommend. Good luck!
2019-10-02 3:28 pm
I like Clue. It let me input some information I learned from charting BBT, like my typical luteal phase (which is around 12 days instead of 14), which makes it a bit more accurate than apps that just go by average luteal phase.

I'm not charting BBT any more (our family is complete) but Clue's predictions do often seem to line up with the symptoms I have learned to expect in certain parts of my cycle. But you really do need to keep in mind what you said yourself. You can't go by an app to get pregnant. No matter how well programmed it is, it can't look into your body, check your hormone levels, and observe the second the egg pops out. For instance this month I had a 25 day cycle, which is short for me. If I had been TTC and had trusted Clue's predictions, I would have missed ovulation.

I'm not saying you shouldn't use a cycle app. I think it is always a good idea to have more insight in your cycle, and an app is a convenient way to have dates, average cycle length and typical cycle length variation on hand. But as ovulation prediction goes, there are much more reliable ways. 
2019-10-02 11:29 am
< I been using glow, but I don't know how accurate it is. >

Umm, don't you know what your period arrives? Don't you know when glow tells you that your period is due?

< Correctly predicting a period doesn't say anything about the algorithm used to estimate ovulation.. >

this is true but it's not her question.

"I just want an accurate period app to help me track of my periods."
2019-10-02 7:40 am
There isn't one. How it calculates depends on who programs it. What's statistically "accurate" for one woman may be totally off for the next. And all apps are just counting days. They have no idea what's going on in your ovaries and what hormone changes are occurring in your body.

If you want to accurately determine ovulation, you would manually track your symptoms, sensation, BBT, etc. You can count days, but ovulation doesn't happen on a calendar or a clock, and anything (literally ANYTHING) can throw off your ovulation and cause you to miss your fertile time if you're counting.
2019-10-02 6:52 am
A paper calendar works just as well as an app. You count the days from the start of one period to the start of the next. If you are pretty regular you can figure out when your next period is likely to be due -- and (within a 3-5 day range) about when you are likely to ovulate.

You can just take folic acid, or any prenatal or multivitamin. There is no 'best' brand.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:23
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