What would you come to believe in if you were born near Cancun Mexico......circa 400BC...?

2019-10-02 3:07 am

回答 (11)

2019-10-02 3:13 am
Lotta human sacrifice with the Sun God groups -- the Aztecs and Teotihuacan peoples -
they were around before the alleged birth of the mythical jesus creature. Recent digs suggest
these civilizations were there far earlier than we've traditionally thought.

Their knowledge of astronomy was remarkable,
considering they knew about things in the universe
not visible to the human eye.

FurBall the DRUNK is 100% WRONG.
2019-10-02 3:15 am
2019-10-02 5:58 am
first of all did Mexico exist at that time. and were there any people at all in the land. the book of mormon says there were descendants of Jacob Namely a prophet named Lehi and his family, and another family that migrated over to the americas, the actual landing is under dispute whether it was north american in the florida region or whether it was the south america region. one thing is taught that eventually the Nephites and Lamanites filled the entire land. i believe before the mountains and gulf of mexico were made. see the book of mormon Moroni ch. 4. what is known after Jesus did appear to them, the people became prosperous and filled the entire land. and i think it said this lasted for 290 years or more after Jesus had appeared to them, as those that were Other Sheep, spoken of in the book of John.
the western side of the continents were inhabited by nomads from the mongolian tribes and asia. such archeologists can admit the book of mormon might be true.many christians say its a work of fiction but there is young archeology that discusses proofs of what nay sayers gaff at. also the BoM mentions two other societies that existed on the lands just before the prophet Lehi and Nephi brought their family which was about 600 b.c. if the BoM is true, i think it would be the jaredites that lived in the lands. find out for yourself though. my memory is faulty now adays.
2019-10-02 3:24 am
Depends on what God did with your heart. God is not limited by geographical location.
2019-10-02 3:13 am
That people can live to be 2,400 years old.
2019-10-02 3:07 am
Whatever they believed in that time.
2019-10-02 6:51 am
Rattlesnakes and scorpions.
2019-10-02 3:39 am
They would have worshipped the aztec gods.
2019-10-02 3:21 am
I was there. I climbed those steps to the top and believe me, with my emphysema, pneumothorax, and chronic bronchitis it wasn't an easy task.
2019-10-02 3:11 am
I hope you understand where this is going.
2019-10-02 3:11 am
No need for a retirement account. The world will end on Dec. 12, 2012.

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