Radius of Curvature?

2019-09-27 5:33 pm
what is it?
is it the largest radius that encompasses all of the curve?
or is it just the radius that encompasses most of the curve?

lets say i have a parabola or an half-ellipse, these two have a radius of curvature right?

why does it have 2 different radius of curvature formula?

what and how is the radius of curvature really gotten?

thanks for replies, too much information and too little time for deep search and videos please help

回答 (2)

2019-09-27 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"is it the largest radius that encompasses all of the curve?"

"is it just the radius that encompasses most of the curve?"

"lets say i have a parabola or an half-ellipse, these two have a radius of curvature right? "
No, a curve has different radii of curvatures at different points.

For example, look at this: https://www.intmath.com/applications-differentiation/img/radiusCurvature1.png
The radius of curvature at the point marked on the blue curve is the radius of the ‘snugly fitting’ circle constructed at the point.

Imagine *any* smooth curve. If you pick a point, P, on the curve, you can always construct a circle that closely fits the curve ‘snugly’ at P. If you cut away a tiny (infinitesimal) section of the curve around the P, this tiny section of the curve would be part of a circle; the radius of this circle is the radius of curvature of the curve at P.

As a point of interest, the radius of curvature at any point on a straight line is infinity. (Any finite part of a circle of infinite radius is a straight line.)
2019-09-27 5:59 pm
A circle i just a special case of an elipse

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