Man created god in his image, not the other way around. Prove me wrong!?

2019-09-27 3:38 am
If this wasnt the case, there wouldn't have been 900 different religions over the course of history. Your god would have revealed himself to everyone. He didnt though. He revealed himself to a small group of people in the middle east.. same way Zeus and Apollo revealed themselves to the ancient Greeks and Odin revealed himself to the Norse.

回答 (23)

2019-09-27 4:01 am
The Atheist created the non-existence of God, because he chose the image of his god, Satan, to keep him company in eternal hell!
God reveals Himself only to believers who pray to Him, He does not reveal Himself to atheists, except on the day of their judgment!

Psalm 24:14.
The Lord reveals Himself to those who fear Him, and makes known to them His covenant.
2019-09-27 3:46 am
2019-09-27 3:43 am
God doesn't suck like you.......boom....drop mic
2019-09-27 3:43 am
It would explain why 'God' has all of these questionable human traits - like jealousy, anger, etc.

It's basically anthropomorphism.
2019-09-27 3:42 am
There is an historical record for that. That attempt is expressed in Romans 1:18-32, and it was written 20 centuries ago.
2019-09-27 3:43 am
"If this wasnt the case, there wouldn't have been
900 different religions over the course of history."

And over a million gods invented, when you count
all of the gods in the Hindi cult.

"God doesn't suck like you.......boom....drop mic"

And you have followers who are the complete
antithesis of their own cult and cult icon.
They come here every day to show you all what hypocrite piecesOFsh!t they are.
2019-09-27 5:56 am
The only way I could prove you wrong is with evidence. Alas, I have it comes down to probability, which is so low that belief in gods is not justifiable. I could rely on faith, but that won't work either since we've discovered that faith is an unreliable epistemology. Sorry, the case just can't be made that gods created man...hohum back to the drawing board.
2019-09-27 5:11 am
People create false gods in their image, but the real God was here first, before us.
2019-09-27 3:51 am
That's exactly right. Man always creates gods in his image.
2019-09-27 3:44 am
That's why God said not to make or try to make any images because he is a spirit that no one can see.
2019-09-28 8:59 am
Believing the Bible is best, when it says at Genesis 1:26, Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.”And at Genesis 1:27 And God went on to create the man in HIS image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. So God is the powerful one here, not man. So believe the Bible!
2019-09-28 12:53 am
God created man in His image, but people chose to go their own way and perverted their beliefs and idolatry and other strange religions was the result. God did not want puppets and gave humans the right to chose Him or not. He has promised that those who earnestly and diligently seek Him will find Him. Abraham did that and became the father of faith even though he was raised in and idolatrous society.
2019-09-27 8:39 pm
I agree dontcha know
2019-09-27 4:51 am
We can look at human body complexity
All give evidence
2019-09-27 4:50 am
The god the roman catholic church CREATED ***WAS*** man who created god in ***their*** image which ((( ALL ))) CLAIMED christians >>>SHOT OFF<<< from!
2019-09-27 4:42 am
you proved be happy
2019-09-27 4:17 am
Dude! Check out the rules, you're supposed to ask a question!
2019-09-27 4:16 am
And yet, unlike all those other 900 religions you mention, people from all around the world are now members of the universal Christian Church, while the others are long gone.
2019-09-27 4:04 am
The evolution of religious thought is unknown to us. While I may not be able to prove you wrong, neither can you prove you're right. You've expressed an unsubstantiated position, that's all. The presence of multiple religions doesn't prove religion is man-made, but only that humans are prone to religious thought.
2019-09-27 3:43 am
O din it is that ask questions about hissed stories in the so sight eye see and culture section. And someone elses which supplants them as suggestive fact.
2019-09-27 5:11 am
The bible says youre wrong checkmate
2019-09-27 3:44 am
if i was in Gods place of 'creator' of this 'reality' and could create sentient conscious beings which i destined to eventually give bodies to in order to dwell with me and become part of my family etc ... i would want some kind of proving ground for them to bring in the ones that were going to fit in good ... it makes sense to me ... evolution does not .. the only place that its leading, and very rapidly i might add, is complete divorcement from natural living and ability to take care of yourself and support yourself within this realm and total reliance on the given tech and system, tell me thats a wrong assessment ... theres some serious horse manure going on with that if you think it through to conclusion ..
2019-09-27 6:31 am
All gods are myths that reside in the minds of the deluded.

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