Feminists; do you really believe that men are the root of all evil?

2019-09-27 2:50 am
Do you also believe that anytime a woman goes on a killing spree, they re nothing more than revenge killings over that one time that dude at the local Dollar Store catcalled her? Maybe even slapped her fanny? Why do you think women should be given lenient sentences for the same crime that men get life imprisonment or the death penalty for? Shouldn t equality mean women should take responsibility for their own actions? Most male sexual predators (I say male because there are definitely females that prey on young teenage boys) were sexually assaulted as children. Why dont you say that that s the reason they did those crimes and should get a slap on the wrist? It s what you do when women are in that position. Feminism is cancer.

回答 (8)

2019-09-27 3:02 am
Feminism has a broad spectrum of supporters, but the ones you refer to are a fringe element of extremists who never will get anywhere politically by insulting the masculine half of the human race.
2019-09-27 11:28 pm
Millions of women globally identify as feminists yet you're referencing about three extremist people in this question. I wonder how you'd feel if you were being roped in with Hitler...because after all, he was male.
2019-09-27 3:25 am
No, Joshua, neither I nor anybody I know believes that.
2019-10-04 1:14 pm
"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her."
~ Declaration of Rights and Sentiments

Patriarchy theory is not an invention of the third or second wave of feminism. The very first officially recognized collective feminist document was published in 1848 called 'The Declaration of Sentiments'. Coincidentally, 1848 is also the same year that 'The Communist Manifesto' was published.
2019-09-30 8:30 pm
Patriarchy is the root of most evil, not men, and men are the victims of it too. But I'm not feminist.
2019-09-28 10:41 am
no, no, no, I don't think that, I agree, true (though probably at least about as often by men as by women), I agree that we should probably be treating rather than just punishing sexual predators, I don't think I do, no it isn't.

I think that's all the questions, in order.
2019-09-27 11:40 am
There is no such thing as evil. The world is subjective, not objective. And why do you care about what feminists say about men, ignore them and do what you want.

Yes, you're right. Modern feminists, SJWs, MRAs, western liberals, militant vegans - they all are cancer to this world and need to be put in mental asylum. If you're a real man, don't pay any sympathy to these leftists. Because it's the weak men who are socialists, strong men are conservatives and don't care about feminists sayings.
參考: Hardcore masculinist, anti-liberal, anti-MRA and Trump supporter.
2019-09-27 3:27 am
Yes, there is not one evil act committed by a woman that hasn't been committed by a man.

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