英文, "我敢說,有很多人都有二支手機以上, 我就是", 請問在這句的 我就是 , 英文要麼說?

2019-09-26 3:07 pm

回答 (3)

2019-09-26 3:30 pm
I am sure many people have two or more mobile phones; and I am one of them.

「我就是」: ...and I am one of them.

prisoner26535在意見欄說:「把『我敢說』翻成I am sure是不是太弱?」


謝謝AhShing 在意見欄為「我敢說」提供兩個其他的翻譯選項, 同時保守、客觀地 提出您 對這兩個選項的的看法。 讓我獲益良多!


選項(1):I dare say...
選項(2):I can assert that...

2019-09-27 3:20 pm
I can say that there are many people who own two or even more phones in their daily lives. For example, I am one of them.

直接用For example(舉例來說)放第二句開頭,可以產生比And單純連接句子的感覺更強烈
2019-09-27 9:04 am
And I assure you that I am the one.
I am sure that many people have two  or more mobile phones.

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