what to do with a homecoming poster after asking your date?

2019-09-26 11:41 am
so i am going to ask my friend to homecoming as my date, but i’m not sure what to do with the poster afterwards? i’ve heard something about people giving it to their dates if they say yes, but since i’m a girl and he’s a guy, i’m not sure what would be standard for that. thanks!

回答 (3)

2019-09-26 11:59 am
Give it to the guy after the homecoming IF things go well.
Or keep it for awhile and if things REALLY work out good you have a ready gift.
2019-09-26 11:48 am
Never heard of using posters at all for something like this. Teens are weird
2019-09-26 11:45 am
What poster? When did props become necessary to ask someone to the prom? Making a big deal out of it only makes it more embarrassing if the person says no. Just ask him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:39:04
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