請問客戶說"訂單正在讓主管簽核中,一旦拿到簽核,馬上就提供給你", 請問這樣我要回什麼?
如題, 因為我跟客戶詢問一些產品的訂單什麼時候會下,
I created the PO’s last week, but am still waiting for approvals from my manager. I will send them as soon as I get the approvals.
我想說是不是就說"Thank you for your reply, we look forward to receiving your order demand of them soon."就好?
回答 (4)
once receiving approval, please reply to us at your early convenience. 用商業用語較適切
> 但前輩叫我要回覆客戶
真是聰明的前輩... 我真是教導有方.
你該注意的是 絕對不可喪失主動權.要讓他知道 別跟我打屁 我就給你X天的時間來核准吧!醬子回:
I appreciate your prompt actions on this process. How about letting me give you a call to touch base next Friday. I really like to thank you in person for all of your effort.
Once the Committee Manager gives its approval to your Order Demand as authorized, we'll send you the seal-stamp of approval received ("ie in X days") for your validation, Sir .
thanks for your information ,多謝你的通知
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