My iPod Touch is completely dead and won't charge, what do I do?

2019-09-23 10:38 am
I have a fifth generation iPod touch and the battery is completely dead. This happened back in January (I had a bad charger then) then I got a new charger and it still wouldn't come back on to charge but towards the end of February it came back on to charge again. This problem has happened again. Should I get a new battery? What do I do?

回答 (3)

2019-09-23 1:58 pm
Have the battery replaced.
2019-09-23 10:57 am
Yes, change the battery. My iPhone5 decided to quit on me last year in April. Changed the battery and everything and it was charging and holding a charge till September when i got a new iPhone and then it stopped working
2019-09-23 10:42 am
May your battery rest in peace.

You should replace the battery.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:50
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