What would you do if you have a time machine?

2019-09-21 8:24 pm
Would you travel to the past and witness, alter or do something? Or would you travel to the future?

回答 (6)

2019-09-21 8:41 pm
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That would be great. I love history. I wouldn't know where to start going back in time. Be great to be able to spend say a week in all different decades.
2019-09-21 8:25 pm
I would do both, but I would choose the past first just to witness certain events.
2019-09-21 8:44 pm
That would be great. I love history. I wouldn't know where to start going back in time. Be great to be able to spend say a week in all different decades.
2019-09-21 10:19 pm
I could go into the future and get the winning lotto numbers and be rich ????
2019-09-21 9:02 pm
Travel back in time and have sex
2019-09-21 8:40 pm
Id go back in time too see the source or cause of this life/big bang

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:20:29
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