Why do people try to claim that Jesus would be Leftist or Socialist?  Do they not understand he commanded HIS CHURCH to care for the poor?

2019-09-21 11:27 am

If one truly understands what Christ command, one must see that the government caring for the poor is a grave abomination. It is just as evil, and just as effective, for the government to care for the poor as it would be for the Church to patrol the streets with guns attempting to maintain order.  
By advocating that the government care for the poor, you are abdicating Christ's command to do so yourself. It can never be the government's job to care for the poor.  When you let the government do it, you're saying, "Let's force OTHER people to do it so we don't HAVE to". How is that what Jesus commanded? 
Leftism and Christianity are inherently incompatible. Only through ignorance of one or the other can a person be both. It is in direct disobedience to Christ's command to foist the responsibility of caring for the poor on the shoulders of the state. The fact is, Christ told His Church to do it. Allowing the state to do it is sin. 
Would you want the state teaching spiritual truth? Then why is it okay for the state to care for the poor? 
The state's job is clearly outlined in Romans 13. Use force to maintain order. Nothing more. The desire to have the state take care of the poor is a violation of message of the Words of Christ. 
It is NOT the government's job to take care of the poor. So, how can an educated, informed Christian can be an educated, informed Leftist?

@Jeff S: The government is most assuredly NOT designed HELP anyone!!! That is not it's job AT ALL!!! Its job is to use force to maintain order. THAT IS IT!!!!! It was never meant to care for the poor or the sick. That is not its job nor is it something it will ever do well.


@Jeff S: I assume you meant "overestimate people's ability to help the poor individually". I'm not talking individually. I'm talking private charities like churches. And I think you overestimate the GOVERMENT'S ability to help without creating more problems than it solves. DRASTICALLY.

回答 (2)

2019-09-21 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Socialists want to hijack Christianity in order to convince Christians to embrace socialism. The Bible clearly emphasizes voluntary giving, not involuntary giving.
2019-09-21 11:56 am
Because you underestimate people's ability to help the poor individually. The government is designed to help all it's citizens. Have you never considered that government was created by God through man to help them? Seems you are too biased!!!

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