Can you learn a language by just reading foreign texts with their translation?

2019-09-21 2:26 am
Can I learn a new language, or at least basic stuff, by setting my devices' language to a foreign one and using foreign forums etc.?

回答 (13)

2019-09-21 2:29 am
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You can learn written language that way but it isn't going to help you speak it or understand it in verbal form.
2019-09-21 2:27 am
Yeah, you can probably pick some stuff up. Depending on the language though, you're going to get a Iot of very bad and inaccurate translations from automatic translators.
2019-09-21 2:50 am
NO. You need to hear that language in order to get the pronunciation correct
2019-09-23 12:46 am
No, you need to practice other skills too
2019-09-22 11:30 pm
You need somebody to start you with the alphabet and the sounds. You can NOT easily read a sound. You should hear the sound, and repeat the sound.

Learn nouns.
Learn a few verbs: to be, to have, to want

Have your teacher say words, and listen to you say words.

Then you can go onward with a book.

I learned Russian like this.
2019-09-21 2:30 am
I did that once in a new European country. I did have lessons every once a week and watched tv and read magazines. I also joined a group, and lived away from the ex-pat community. I was quite fluent when we left, five years later.
2019-09-21 6:38 am
nope. you would also need to know how they gramattically come together, and how they are said. you could potentially be able to learn written language, but spoken cant be taught by written translations alone
2019-09-28 9:52 pm
I would have said no but I have a nephew, English, who learned Swedish from books, married a Swedish girl and lives and works in Sweden. She says that he speaks the language better than she does
2019-09-24 12:07 am
You could learn a few bits of the basic stuff. I live in southern England near Wales, so I see the tourist leaflets in English and Welsh when I visit Wales. From those leaflets I have learned a few Welsh words, but I would not call myself even a basic speaker of Welsh.
2019-09-23 10:06 pm
Any exposure helps a little.However it takes many years to learn a language.You need daily exposure and usage and interaction with native speakers.
2019-09-22 9:44 pm
To read, certainly, but you need to dig deeper than just using google translate which often gets the wrong end of the stick. You need to read ALOT though to get a feeling for nuance and context. Sadly that won't help you much when it comes to writing and not at all when it comes to listening and speaking because all these tasks use different parts of the brain. We learn our mother tongue(s) so young that we don't remember it and therefore assume that it's a smoothish linear process. As an adult it becomes much more apparent that you can learn to understand speech by watching and listening, but by gum is it hard to string a sentence together and you definitely won't be writing a novel if you've only learned through speech. If you're good with puzzles learning to read is the easy part.
2019-09-21 5:45 am
Eventually, yes, but it would be slow and inefficient.
2019-09-21 2:27 am
You could try the google translate app for some basic stuff
but it's not the best as many words are mostly inaccurate

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