The world needs to act fast if we ____in stabilizing climate change and thereby prevent its worst impacts. (C) are to succeed 為什麼答案是(C)?

2019-09-20 2:33 pm

回答 (4)

2019-09-21 7:21 am
當"be"作為助動詞時,配合不定式(be to do something),可用於假設子句(conditional clause type 1)作為目標 aim,而主句則說明要達標之條件。

Type 1 conditional:
IF + simple present (be to do something), simple future / modal / simple present
1. If we are to succeed in ..., the world will need to act fast. (future used in main clause to indicate possibility)
2. If we are to succeed in ..., the world shall need to act fast.  (modal used in main clause to increase certainty)
3. If we are to succeed in ..., the world needs to act fast.  (present used in main clause to indicate factual aspect)
參考: Longman Dictionary
2019-09-20 3:41 pm
1,此句非假設語氣,即非與事實相反,假設語氣如If I were rich,I would travel the whole world.
2019-09-21 10:35 pm
2019-09-20 2:44 pm
The world needs to act fast ...

...if we are to succeed in stabilizing climate change ...


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