Job Interview but?

2019-09-20 7:48 am
So I've been searching for a job for months, (I'm trying to get into the retail industry because I hate hospitality) and I finally got an interview with a homewares store for a job I really want. My only hesitation is my appearance, I'm an alternative person, I have a couple of piercings and currently my hair is half and half (half blue, half black). I considered dying my hair all black as I know some employers are pretty anal about personal presentation but I won't have the time to do a proper job before the interview. I want to give myself the best chance in this interview so for those in retail who consider themselves alternative is it a deal breaker having coloured hair? And if I bring it up in the interview and offer to change it before I start working will that be better than not saying anything? Thanks.

回答 (8)

2019-09-20 7:51 am
Color your hair before the interview....Your first impression is a lasting impression....
2019-09-21 7:45 am
You could wear a wig to cover your hair in the interview.
2019-09-20 9:31 am
Sorry to say this, but most employers will just not consider you.
2019-09-20 7:58 am
Probably best to go with you do you. It's basically a full employment economy - they can't afford to be choosy on something so basic. Go in there being the best you you can be, and they'll like it or not. If not, move on.

But also consider the value of this "alternative" persona. You're free to present yourself how you choose. If that turns off employers, they're free to go with people who present themselves as they'd prefer. There are some employers who'd find your presentation better, not worse. So apply for work there. Don't even consider jobs that won't.

And don't assume you didn't get a job because of your hair color. There's a billion reasons why they might go with someone else.

Ultimately you have the right to present yourself how you want - but others are not obligated to reward you for that. They have their own image to be concerned about.
2019-09-20 7:55 am
Before you interview, shop there and look at the consumers and the staff. If that fits in, you’ll fit in. Here is the downside to retail, the have uniforms and probably appearance rules that are strictly enforced.
In the 90’s I hired a cross dresser to work in a wholesale auto parts store. He had experience and parts knowledge. My boss told me how impressed he was with his phone skills. I told him he should be, he used to charge $2.99 a minute for phone sexual. With my sense of humor they thought I was joking.
2019-09-21 8:46 am
Don't dye your hair. But for an interview, pull it back into a neat bun or pony tail. Remove any visible piercings and dress main stream. It's ok to be "alternative" but if you want a mainstream job, you have to look the part, unless you're in New York in Soho where the alternative look can be fine in some places. When is Rome, do as the Romans. Oh, and don't bring your hair color up on the interview. If they want to hire you, they will ask you to choose one color, not two. Remember to smile and be personable because they may not care about the other things if they really like you and can see you as a future employee. Good luck.
2019-09-21 6:02 am
You can dye your hair a normal color. Or, take up street begging. No one wants to hire a circus freak - it gives the store a bad rep AND older customers will be too busy laughing and pointing to buy anything.
2019-09-20 8:26 am
maybe you shouldnt color your hair till you get the job

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