Should New York Times be sued for money? For Fake News?

2019-09-17 11:35 pm
New York Times Forced to Admit Kavanaugh ‘Victim’ Doesn’t Remember Assault

回答 (13)

2019-09-17 11:46 pm
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Liabilities in accuracy has broken down. Yes, there should be liability. Otherwise, how can we trust anything we hear? 90% of all media is owned by six families...and it’s obvious, they coordinate. Define ‘free press’. There needs to be investigation into the laws surrounding ethics in journalism. I remember a time when news agencies had liabilities to prevent fake news, and opinion commentaries were noted as ‘opinion’, first. Something changed, and an investigation into ‘when’ and ‘why’ needs to be disclosed.
2019-09-17 11:44 pm
So was that news fake when they said the victim does not remember the account? Or is it accurate that they are correcting a previous reporting error? Or, is it just that anything the NY Times writes is "Fake News" because they just report the news and do not curry favor with the president.

Bill: Fox News intentionally leaves out news that they do not want their audience to hear, every day. Should they be sued every day? Every "news" outlet is biased, its just a matter of degree. Thats been the case since Reagan abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1949, which required news outlets to show both sides on any controversial opinionated news.

Professor: Thanks for the correction. Fairness Doctrine of 1949 was abolished in 1987.
2019-09-17 11:37 pm
I thought accusations were coming from the witnesses and not the bad.
2019-09-17 11:43 pm
Lack of information isn't "fake news," It's merely a lack of information.
2019-09-17 11:40 pm
If I was Brett Kavanaugh I would hire the best attorney in the country and sue them for every penny they have
2019-09-17 11:43 pm
They've been lying for some time. Ever since "liberals" took over that newspaper.
I think every liberal news outlet should be **** down, or considered comedy like the inquirer.
2019-09-17 11:48 pm
I think you guys in the Russia GRU are the ones spreading fake news .
2019-09-17 11:59 pm
All major news outlets are controlled from very high up in their organizations by people who have been corrupted by the intelligence and defense industry. They have their own agenda which is largely a-political. For the most part it is to spread and maintain small regional conflicts that have no conclusion or exit strategy so as to maintain a steady cash flow from the international arms trade.
Ever wonder why the New York times has never criticized a war? Not since Vietnam?
The media in those days was largely beholden to their audience so anti Vietnam war sentiment was common in most newspapers and other print media of the day. After that the defense industry realized that the news media was a thing that needed to be controlled. And control they did. They have either placed their people in key positions or corrupted those already there. By 1980 the operation was nearly complete and today the still exhibit great control over the mainstream. This is why alternative media is so popular.
2019-09-17 11:43 pm
"They’re trying to smear us. They’re trying to destroy us each and every day. They’ve been doing it for more than two and a half years. But just look at this last two and a half years alone. The coup! The New York Times ran lie after lie after lie five times a day for two and a half years, that Trump was a traitor, that Trump was a treasoner, that Trump was a colluder with Russia. Not a shred of evidence! It was never true!" -Rush Limbaugh
2019-09-17 11:41 pm
They should be closed down for good. This is a constant issue with these liars.
2019-09-17 11:36 pm
No, let the story be played out.
2019-09-17 11:37 pm
The New York Times has been hemorrhaging money for years; they don't have any.
2019-09-17 11:53 pm
Kavanaugh would have to sue them for libel, which is very unlikely, considering that he is a public figure.

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