Do I need a laptop for college?

2019-09-17 5:44 am
I'm debating whether to get a laptop for college. I've already found a decent one for under £300. The computers at my college are very bad. They are slow, unreliable, or vandalised. I have students in my class that bring their own keyboard and mouse from home to college because often the keyboard and mice are missing. Often the teachers will need to rent laptops for the class. The problem with those are they either don't connect to the internet, have keys missing, or just slow. This is often also an issue as my class consists of 27 students and 30 computers. The majority of them are either nonfunctional, or are missing their keyboard and mouse. I don't really need a laptop for home as I either use my phone, or my desktop. So should I invest in a laptop, or should I just suck it up?

回答 (26)

2019-09-18 4:56 am
If you can afford one, then get one.
2019-09-24 6:22 am
Save money and just use the school computer
2019-09-22 4:34 pm
you definitely need a laptop or tablet of sorts for college. believe me, you'll save yourself a whole lot of trouble.

better get it quick too, while it's still back to school seasons and student discount is still available
2019-09-22 4:25 am
It’s best you get one
2019-09-21 12:51 am
yes must need a laptop for college
2019-09-20 9:47 pm
Yes. You do need a laptop for college.
2019-09-19 10:33 pm
I live in the United States of America.  I bought myself a $1,500 gaming laptop for college wink wink. I was able to deduct it from college expense off my taxes. 
2019-09-19 8:59 pm
yes actually in order to type up your essay or your homework assignments i mean they have computers there you could use in the library at the collage but they apparently still require you to bring your own laptop even though they have computers there you could use for free
2019-09-19 12:38 pm
If you have a desktop in your home, then its ok to not purchase a laptop.
If you are a busy dude and need to browse the internet always officially, then probably you badly need one, Sir!!!

It's completely your opinion Sir!
2019-09-18 7:22 pm
yes of course you have need to laptop in college 
2019-09-18 9:48 am
Hi. Yes, nut not the one You're looking at.

A cpl good reasons are ;

1) Free internet at school for the weekends.

2( Some of the other students might need to find a computer late at night or on long weekends, & You can rernt it out for a few extra bucks.

3) You can buy a used laptop on Craigslist for VERY cheap money, And You can get a linux version to use with it for free. TYou might even be able to make a few bucks doing system reairs for the poeople who did pay the higher proces to go new.

4) There's a;ways a few girls around who would love to Skype with their families on the holidays, or the old slumber party bffs back Home. You get the idea.

Good Luck!!!
2019-09-18 8:43 am
It probably wouldn't hurt.
2019-09-18 1:43 am
definitely .....yes!
2019-09-17 11:47 pm
2019-09-17 9:21 pm
good idea free wifi at the dorms
2019-09-17 4:55 pm
Yeah, 100%. Because a laptop help you in study. You can save tutorial and more.
2019-09-17 3:34 pm
It depends on what the college requires. During my time, way back when, computers weren't required. Nowadays, I imagine, almost every school would.
2019-09-17 12:36 pm
Long answer: a laptop is not completely necessary for college as mentioned by another respondent, most colleges/universities have computer labs. In addition, I know some of the libraries on campus loan out laptops to students (like normal books you would find at a library) except for shorter rental periods. This may sound convenient enough and a smart way to save money, but I would not recommend doing so. First off, if you’re using a computer in a library or academic building, your access to that computer is limited by the hours that the specific building is open. Not all buildings and libraries are open 24 hours throughout the entire semester, which makes accessibility a somewhat major issue. In addition, sometimes the software on these computers are outdated and you may not have the proper authorization to download and install updated software which can cause other issues. In addition, it is difficult to study/collaborate with others as many study groups tend to not be located in a library, but rather on various places on/off campus which is impossible to achieve if you are relying on using a computer in a computer lab.

Hopefully, this helps!
2019-09-17 10:20 am
You'll be ahead getting your own laptop. It will make researching way easier- like having the whole library to yourself 24/7, plus being able to type beautifully. Colleges may offer internet to students and it may be quality, but you might look into your own interrnet service provider. In my day a laptop computer was a sliderule.
2019-09-17 9:48 am
In most cases, it's very useful.
2019-09-17 6:40 am
Buy a laptop so you won't have to use an outdated system.
2019-09-17 6:24 am
Yes, you do need a laptop for college.
2019-09-17 5:46 am
In that case, yes you should.
2019-09-17 5:44 am
Buy the laptop.
2019-09-17 7:28 pm
It is not necessary to carry a laptop in college, because now every college has computer labs with advanced technology.
2019-09-18 7:22 pm
oh my God! you have no laptop yet. may be you are an alien. Buy the laptop as soon as possible.

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