搭車資詢: 大埔去葵涌?

2019-09-16 3:00 pm
我居住在大埔大元邨, office將在12月搬到葵涌屈臣氏中心, 請問如何搭車及搭甚麼車最快最方便, 要預多少時間返工呢? 要計埋等車時間, 謝謝報料.
p.s. 我未去過葵涌返工, 唔知咩環境, 返工唔知惡唔惡劣!
9:00am返到公司, 如無OT, 放6:00pm

回答 (2)

2019-09-17 5:25 am
1. MTR (East Rail Line > Kwun Tong Line > Tseng Wan Line) is a better solution.

There are bus alternatives (272P, 73X+46X/47X). But MTR is the most reliable given the traffic condition.

2. 1.5 hours.
2019-09-16 4:35 pm

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:23:54
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