All jokes aside, has any of you on yahoo answers ever been abducted by Extra Terrestrials? I'm so curious about this phenomenon.?

2019-09-16 12:58 pm

回答 (10)

2019-09-16 1:00 pm
Youre honestly expecting a serious, prove-able answer?
2019-09-16 1:55 pm
No one has ever been abducted by aliens, some people just have too much imagination and can't tell their dreams from reality..
2019-09-16 6:38 pm
I have a theory. Bare with me...

I believe that since the inception of Area 51, the government has been making UFOs... that they are behind the abductions, sightings, exploding cows, etc. I believe that they WANT the general public to believe we are being visited by aliens so that they can keep pouring billions of tax dollars into useless space exploration without the public questioning them.

Here's my evidence: if there really were aliens trying to secretly watch us....
Then they should turn off their lights, because we can see them.

Now for the truth - if you can handle it:

Fallen angels originally had bodies of their own. They made love to the daughters of men and had children by them. These half-breeds were known as the Nephilim. They were giants. Heroes. Men of renown. They had people sacrificing themselves and their children to them at places like Stonehenge. They were pure evil... a good part of the reason why God flooded the world.

Eight people survived the flood 4500 years ago.
One hundred years later, their offspring directly disobeyed orders to disperse and instead came together to build the Tower of Babel.

"Nothing will be impossible for them." God said...

So to slow technology (so we wouldn't kill ourselves off) He mixed up their languages and scattered them - also dividing the land. Gen. 10:25 and 11:8-9
I mean - can you imagine? Electricity has always existed... we just recently learned how to harness it. What would have happened if the ancient Egyptians had that power?

The people were scattered throughout the world - and we are all descendants of them.

They took the stories of God, creation, the pre-flood people and world, and the stories of the flood with them.

The Chinese word for 'boat' contains the number 8 for the 8 people that were on the ark. There are stories about these events found in every ancient culture around the world (230 at last count).

The pyramids found all over the world are replicas of the tower of Babel.

Go to Google earth and search 'Tower of Babel'... the site is still there. Then Google 'Noah's Ark TURKEY'... a tourist attraction since the 70's.
Then Google 'POLYSTRATE fossils'....
Trees that were buried upright during the flood.

Minerals entered the tissues of plants and animals after burial in mud; under the forces of extreme pressure - everything fossilized and became stone.
The only reason why fossils even exist is because of the worldwide flood.

The phenomena of signs in the skies was prophesied long ago by our Maker.

Forget pursuing things you'll never catch. Go after God's heart instead.
2019-09-22 8:13 am
Why do kids keep pulling my pants down and running away????
2019-09-20 7:30 am
All alien abduction stories sound exactly like sleep paralysis. Which is more likely?
2019-09-16 2:53 pm
If you are seriously curious, the Wikipedia page is a good place to start reading. Plenty of good references and links:
2019-09-16 1:02 pm

But some people claim to have been abducted by aliens

On unsolved mysteries, I saw a very good episode about some people who truly claimed to have been abducted by some aliens.

It was an older episode of unsolved mysteries, from the 80's or 90's

But it was a true story that they were telling.
2019-09-18 3:29 am
Abducted? No.... Almost killed by aliens, yes. I was 19 when I went to one of those first Heavens Gate meetings just to get some extra credit in a physics/photography course. I found out the hard way that those two people weren't just nuts-- something really devious and dangerous was going on beneath the surface. They talked about UFOs and going to a higher plane-- they weren't completely lying there.
2019-09-16 6:13 pm
I would love to put jokes aside but Gary won't leave. Abductees often have no memory of their abduction so there may be people on here without knowing it. If so, they may be on any site but blissfully unaware. If you asked if there are people who think they know everything on here, you would have greater success as I could point out a few immediately. So how is that for paranormal?
2019-09-17 5:40 am
I don't care what the beings look like, that is no proof that they are Extraterrestrial. What is the simplest, and therefore most likely situation, that explains people being allegedly "abducted" in large numbers AND also explains why the "Alien" Descriptions Match?---Remember it was only after 1977 with the "CE3" movie did the standard "Grey" become a public icon image.---And these things were going on BEFORE 1977.

The only organization that can operate at such a scale is the US Government , Agencies like the CIA and NSA are most likely involved.----But why? Again the most logical reason is that people are being examined and "tested" in secret., most likely because of some kind of weapons test or accident, involving Toxic, radioactive or Biological elements, that would cause a scandal or even public panic if word got out. The victims are continually, being drugged and examined. ------The agency also likely uses a "Dummy" or "Animatronic", fake "ALIEN" to further scare and confuse the victims and make them less likely to talk if the amnesia drugs should wear off---and make them also less likely to be believed if they do talk.----This is the weak point in the secret. This is why the ALIEN DESCRIPTIONS MATCH. Which gives the abduction reports a degree of veracity---As no two people would "invent" the same "Alien" if they were all lies. This also leaves this secret open to dissection as described above.-----While it was a genius idea to use a fake Alien to confuse the victims, they should have used DIFFERENT dummies---so the descriptions did not match, and the reports could be easier dismissed.

So in conclusion, we may conclude, 1) there ARE no Aliens. 2) the government is the entity doing the testing in secret to avoid Scandal or panic, and 3) Some kind of weapons test or accident, or unethical experiment has taken place to make this abduction project necessary.

Yes, "Stretching things" a bit, BUT which is MORE logical? Actual Aliens invading and abducting people, or A government agency trying to hide and control the results of a serious health threatening accident or unethical experiment? My vote is for the latter.

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