Why is it racist to want our borders secured from illegals?

2019-09-16 3:55 am

回答 (228)

2019-09-17 12:00 am
Its not racist. Nobody ever said people from other countries can't come here and become US citizens BUT they do need to do it legally.
2019-09-16 4:03 pm
Everything is racist, didn’t you know? :P
2019-09-16 4:44 am
Look out! Criminal hordes are crossing into the United States to rape our women and corrupt our political system, a political system that allows us to elect a pathological narcissist and fascist head of an organized crime family to the presidency. Down with liberal retards!
2019-09-17 10:50 am
It isn't racist. If foreigners want to be treated as human beings and be equal, then they are to be subjected to the same government policies that all people of all countries have to abide to - to be considered as citizens at all. Just because they're foreign doesn't mean they can cry "racist" when they do something illegal and get caught for it.

There has to be borders for order and protection.
2019-09-17 2:57 pm
The U.S. has the right to protect its borders no doubt. Even i agree. However the way they do it is ectremely racist. They conclude that all illegal immigrants are 'Mexican' and they are bad people. So they gather in small goups and protect the borders with their own guns and hatred.With no training or authorization but yet they are ready to pull the trigger and kill an innocent woman and her child if she seen crossing the border. Plus they target little innocent migrant kids at school, and call I.C E on anyone who looks "Mexican". And to make things worse Donald Trump warts to detain anyone who is caught crossing the border for 6 months as a for of punishment. Seriously 'Punishment'??? That is no different than hitting someone with a belt. That is cruel and inhumane, not to mention Un-American. The U.S. has turned in Nazi Germany.
2019-09-17 3:25 am
It’s not illegal
2019-09-17 2:17 am
Not only is it racist, it is very very hypocritical. white people came over and stole this land andasked no questions, and now they want to keep the same people out who owned the land
in the first place....how hypocritical can you be!!!
2019-09-19 3:48 am
It is only "racist" because people are claiming it to be. The term racist and hate-speech have been used to stop any further argument or debate on a subject, primarily by the far left extremists, but not limited to. The Mexican border, as well as the Canadian border(however, not as prevalent), has to be kept in check for the sake of the negative things that come through. Can people immigrate in to our country, yes, but there are channels and avenues that must be taken. The problem is mainly with drug-trafficking, human-trafficking, and illegal immigrating, that either exacerbate these issues, or go unchecked in utilizing all of the resources available through the taxation of the real populace, while they pay none themselves. Eventually borders will be unnecessary, if humanity can somehow see all others as equal or not see others as hostile creatures. The primary problem with humans is greed and survival. Those who can't provide for themselves, take or rely on others to do it for them, and that's the current issue with the mass illegal immigration coming from Mexico and further south.
Take the somewhat unwelcome immigration in to Europe from Syria and other countries, for example. What they let in were primarily people running from war, but many others that were merely using this to infiltrate and dismantle European countries from the inside.
People who enter this country must be vetted to ensure that we aren't inviting terrorism or other hostile entities into our daily lives.
2019-09-18 9:52 am
2019-09-20 6:52 pm
No. But it is stupid to believe that our physical border is the main problem of illegal immigration. Most illegals come through legally and just overstay their visa. I think the number was somewhere around half.

I think the reason why people obsess so much about the southern border is because it is quite easy to look at it and assign a specific face to it.
The reason why people think is racist is because despite them not making nearly as large an illegal immigration impact as other methods, is that people are specifically targeting those coming south from our border. It makes the person seem uneducated. "I don't care about illegal immigrants - so long as they aren't brown."

You almost NEVER see politicians or even just pro-wall folk in general mention illegal immigration methods other than from the southern border. And that focus on a group of "different" looking people is why many believe that these people have some racial motivations.

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