Does the media want to punish the American people for electing Trump ?

2019-09-14 10:49 am

回答 (15)

2019-09-14 10:52 am
So it would seem. It seems that politics and the governance of the country is controlled by monied interests who do not like statesmen like Trump at all. They prefer the pliable, easily influenced, and for sale politicians whose only concern is re-election.
2019-09-14 10:50 am
2019-09-14 10:50 am
Yes. Duh. Liberal\leftist is liberal leftist does.
2019-09-14 10:51 am
Yes, the "elites" that set the agenda and false narrative of the Left wing media despise the American people for electing President Trump. They wanted Hitlery and a the far left socialist agenda moved forward, Trump is ruining their plans for a tyrannical government.
2019-09-14 10:50 am
Yes, the Left HATES us for not voting for Hillary Clinton.
2019-09-14 10:54 am
They almost always favor the Dem candidate
2019-09-14 10:50 am
no since most Americans voted for Hillary. 3 million more than Trump
2019-09-14 10:50 am
The owners admitted to making you crazy and electing Trump. Bannon interview
2019-09-14 10:51 am
Racist, bitter white people elected Trump out of spite because a half-black man occupied the White House for 8 years. This was their revenge.......and now they're lashing out at us in public. Let them sing their tunes until 2020 when Trump loses.

My president was black. Deal with it!
2019-09-14 11:18 am
No clue why you say this or what evidence you have to present the question.
2019-09-14 11:12 am
Nobody wants to reward trump supporters.
2019-09-14 11:03 am
lol, the media is just fake news, and you sound like you watch way to much of it.
2019-09-14 11:01 am
I think the media is controlled by the government. I dont think the government cares about us.
2019-09-14 10:50 am
No, electing Trump is punishment enough.
2019-09-14 10:51 am
Liberals run their media because statistically they are smarter and more educated. Google it!

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