is it true that China Chinese don't know how to invent anything they copy original patented goods using cheap labor and fabric copy cats?

2019-09-13 12:24 am

回答 (10)

2019-09-21 9:29 pm
It is true that some Chinese companies like to copy things from other companies and change it to become theirs. But actually many Chinese were not like that, they were capable of inventing things. As for using cheap labor, this was due to copy cat companies usually lack money.
2019-09-16 6:51 am
no. .....................................................
2019-09-13 12:28 am
yes, tyranny does not allow for individualism or imagination. as the oldest civilization in human history, the Chinese should have invented the car, the plane, the rocket, appliances, the internet, and all manner of inventions. all they've done is make the kite and gunpowder. people need to be guaranteed human rights and freedoms in order to free their minds to invent things. communism and socialism don't work. democracy and capitalism do work!
2019-09-16 4:49 am
That is largely true in modern times.
2019-09-14 6:11 am
Yes they copy everything the west does even down to dying their hair blonde and red and having cosmetic surgery on their eyes to look more caucasian, they can't feed themselves why they are buying up farms in the west and Africa
2019-09-13 12:28 am
Not a student of history, are you?
2019-09-13 12:47 am
Not true.
Every peoples every where invent.
BUT, Invention to be good must be needed.
The Chinese, like the Afrikan, have it so good that they don't need to invent anything. So the lack of need results no need to produce.
BTW: Spaghetti was needed so the Chinese invent that. Fireworks for celebration was need, the Chinese invented them.
The Chinese invented and perfected Bureaucracy, And my favouri9te. The execution of criminals, if there were 10 suspects, killed them all to be sure to get the guilty one...
2019-09-19 7:59 pm
They invented gun powder then the American redneck copied the ingredients and use it on AR15.... Also if you know what spaghetti is, then the italian copied from their fried noodle and then change the name to spaghetti.

Also Golf was first played in China using a bamboo stick, then the irish man copied it and called it golf during the 19th century.

The only thing that America really invented was McDonalds Hamburger. And you can notice the fat in the Americans bellies...
2019-09-13 3:58 am
Being smart for some people other people can be smarter than a chicken **** and know what's authentic and how to purchase authentic at an even better price than Chinese miaw woof woof dumb alien cats trying to fool half of the world than are smarter than them.
I eat chicken not people you shity cocksuckers
2019-09-13 12:27 am
If you mean modern times, then yes. Why spend all that time and money inventing something when you can just copy something and make a bunch of money. That’s called being smart.

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