請問一下,"頂多" 的英文怎麼說? 例, 頂多, 生日就買個蛋糕吃一下吧. 有副詞的用法嗎? 就把它(頂多)放句首,後來再接句子這樣.?

2019-09-12 5:38 pm

回答 (4)

2019-09-12 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"頂多" 的英文怎麼說?

(1) 提及數目、金錢和時間方面,可用 at most,但要留意要用適當動詞去配合。
例 - We can only afford to buy a birthday cake at (the very) most.
==> At most, you can afford to buy and eat a cake for your birthday.

(2) 若提及情况好壞方面,可用 at best。
例 - (前提: There will not be any party held for your birthday this year.)
==> At best, you can buy and eat a cake for your birthday.
2019-09-12 11:20 pm
"頂多" 的英語說法 有不少. 要看說話者主觀上對上下文的偏好:

1. at (the) best: 頂多 (用在有利的狀況下)
例: At best, I can give you 20% discount. 我頂多可以給你打八折.

2. at (the) worst: 頂多(用在無利的狀況下)
例: At worst, I may need to pay $100 deductible. 你頂多需要付出100元的扣除額.

3. at (the) most: 頂多(中性的狀況)
例: This hotel, at most, can accommodate 24 guests. 這旅店頂多容納24位客人.
2019-09-16 9:03 am
prisoner26535 大和 AhShing 大,英文都好好,也都明確解決我的困惑, 但 AhShing 因為有舉蛋糕的例子, 所以我選他是最佳解答, 但 prisoner26535 大和大家都很棒,謝謝你們的協助.
2019-09-12 5:56 pm
頂多at most

At most buy a cake for your birthday, eat it.

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