What uses have you found for old corrugated plastic signs, such as after a political election.?

2019-09-12 6:48 am

回答 (5)

2019-09-12 6:53 am
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I use them to construct model buildings in HO gauge.
2019-09-12 6:49 am
fashion them into a hat
2019-09-12 8:44 am
Dart boards, packing material, etc.
2019-09-12 7:20 am
For sale signs because I didn't like the election outcome .
2019-09-12 7:10 am
You should be zero waste, our landfills are already full, our sewers are plugged up.... good job trying to find a way to recycle, I can only think of using it as a placemat or doormat whatever is thrown in our landfill now will end us

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:37:17
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