Do you think uncontacted tribes like the Sentinelese and tribes in the Amazon have geniuses?

2019-09-11 3:24 am
European and Asian cultures have definitely both had their share of geniuses, both in the ancient and modern world. They advanced human knowledge and sometimes single handedly sent their civilizations light years ahead. Why wouldn't these uncontacted tribes have figured things out about their natural world yet? Why are they still running around in lion cloths, eating caimans, and throwing sticks at each other?

回答 (6)

2019-09-11 7:53 am
Not sure about genius, but native people have very good knowledge of their environments. Some of the New World civilizations such as the Maya, Aztecs, and Inca have quite impressive achievements, such as building pyramids and other structures, and they also may have deep knowledge of astronomy. When people have to live a hunter/gatherer lifestyle, they are unlikely to have the time to invent things that are unrelated to their survival. If one has to spend most of every day finding food just to survive, then they won't have time to learn about the stars and the moon. OTOH, people who practice agriculture must be ale to figure out what time of the year one must plant seeds, and knowing about the solar and lunar cycles is often the key to successful agriculture and therefore survival.
2019-09-11 5:12 am
You're a dimwit.

Being able to read doesn't make you a genius. being able to go look things up on wikipedia doesn't make you a genius.
2019-09-15 6:58 pm
Yes in some ways...many remote tribes or people in various areas on Earth are found to have advanced skills to live the lives that they lead. In their own way, they have some genius to be able to lead their lives in remote areas.

Ancient Amazonians for example developed a form of soil called Terra Preta which modern science now thinks may have enabled them to grow more abundant crops in poor, leached soils of that area and have far larger populations than previously thought. Terra Preta is also thought by some to be a possible means of carbon capture to address climate change issues as well as improve modern agriculture methods in areas with poor or depleted soils which could address global hunger issues and food shortages. Some tests show that TP treated soils .... biochar as it's known today...can improve crop production up to 800 percent....pretty impressive results for a so called "primitive' people.

Tribes like the Sentinelese have a wide range of working skills to exist as they have for many centuries. Many ancient societies grew in power due to the acceptance of trade with other people which brought in new ideas and materials. Genius inventors of the past were often allowed to explore and experiment based on a life of leisure from wealth or religion.

Yet contact with other people can also bring war, conflict or diseases. Perhaps such tribes had an episode in their past when their people became sick and died from outside contact and they choose to avoid that again. Pretty smart. Many Native American tribes or Central American cultures were wiped out by diseases brought by Europeans. So a reclusive lifestyle has some benefits to longevity.

"The limited contacts we have had indicate that these remote societies change and innovate, just in different ways than the industrialized world. Younger generations build on existing knowledge, devise more effective tools and techniques, often using and adapting outside goods for their own purposes. These are best understood as contemporary societies with a different way of life. Their members make homes, love their families, tend the landscape, and like all of us, want to live well and in peace.

They do not lack sophistication or expertise. Their hunter-gatherer lifestyles require vast botanical and zoological knowledge and a unique understanding of sustainable living. Brazil’s Awa tribe, some of whose members have left their traditional home in the Amazonian rainforest, identify and use 275 plants and 31 species of honey-producing bees.

The Sentinelese and a neighboring group, the Jarawa, were virtually unharmed after the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami in 2004 that killed 225,000 people in the same region. The Jarawa said later that they knew to get to high ground as soon as they saw the tide recede quickly."
"In many cases, it’s likely that a previous traumatic experience with the dominant society, either in living memory or passed down through generations, led these groups to choose isolation. In the case of the Sentinelese, there is speculation that previous contact brought disease. In western Amazonia, uncontacted peoples are often the descendants of the few survivors of the rubber boom at the end of the 19th century, when 90% of the indigenous population was wiped out in a horrific wave of enslavement and brutality."
2019-09-14 6:48 pm
No, they have been cut off from the rest of humanity and have not progressed much past early stone age development, but that is not to say that they can't be
2019-09-11 6:29 pm
Because they haven't been able to communicate with other tribes near them. Communication brings progress but it still took thousand upon millions of years for the rest of the world to get their sh*t together but even then it was only around Europe and Asia because they could trade together. All the other places were taken over and never given the chance to develop on their own.
2019-09-11 7:42 am
Micronutrient deficiencies (e.g. in iodine and iron) influence the development of intelligence and remain a problem in the developing world. For example, iodine deficiency causes a fall, in average, of 12 IQ points.

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