How can I get admitted to Hogwarts?

2019-09-10 12:22 pm

回答 (5)

2019-09-10 12:23 pm
By reading all the books and watching all the movies
2019-09-10 12:26 pm
Hogwarts require you to read all of Harry Potter chapter books.
2019-09-10 3:42 pm
Just by reading all the books and loving every single word of them.
2019-09-11 1:07 am
There's one down in Florida at Disneyworld, you pay the admission fee. It's pretty steep.

If you simply wish to spend a two mornings seeing Harry Potter–one at Hogsmeade and one at Diagon Alley, two day tickets per person to enter Universal cost on the Universal Orlando website about $135 (after tax) per person between 3 and 10, and $145 per person ten and older. Kids younger than 3 enter the park for free.Dec 29, 2009
How Much to Budget for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter ... › 2009/12/29 › how-much-to-budget-for-the-wizardi...
2019-09-10 6:18 pm
You can't get admission in Hogwarts my dear friend. Because Harry potter is a fictional story and Hogwarts is a fictional school of magic for students. None of these are true. I am also a big fan of Harry potter but sadly its not true.
So according to your interest look for some other institutes and colleges.

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