Can Someone suggest other Christian Movies that are related to God?

2019-09-10 7:38 am
Hi! I've gotten into watching Christian movies. & I used to think these movies were like those "Hallmark" movies. For e.g. there's this guy Chris who's a successful biz person who doesn't believe in X-Mas. His sister comes home from college & tries to change him in becoming a compassionate, kind & caring person in the X-Mas spirit instead like a Grinch. found these 2 Christian movies "I'm Not Ashamed" & "Do You Believe". I LOVE THESE!! I'd like to find more Christian movies like these & like to have a small collection of other movies.

I saw other movies on "Pure" like "U-Turn", etc., but I found "Cinema" w/ a wider collection. I watched other movies like "Finding Normal", "In the Blink of an Eye", "Heart of the Matter", "Beyond the Heavens", etc., but they don't focus on seeking a relationship w/ God - like "where was God when this happened" or "God where are you". & so that's why I like these 2 movies b/c they seem like having doubts about God, having a relation w/ God, etc. w/ REAL PROBLEMS - like "Do You". (Btw. people had suggested "God's Not Dead", but I'm not really into the student vs. Prof. conflicts ABOUT God". Didn't like Kevin Sorbo's character. Also watched "What If") So,

Could anyone suggest any other movies like "Do You" & "I'm Not"? Or

Meaning other movies w/ Real Problems w/ doubts of having a relationship w/ God, "God where were u when..."

Open to any suggestions. Thanks!

回答 (2)

2019-09-10 2:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The are about a dozen versions of the "LEFT BEHIND" series...........all basically dealing with the Rapture.........and the effects that cause those "left behind".

So get right with God, because you don't want to be "left behind" .
2019-09-10 8:31 am
i heard the overcomers is a christian movie
2019-09-10 7:47 am
Dogma, directed by Kevin Smith

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