Help required I have the ‘blue screen of death’ on a computer. I desperately need to retrieve some info from it. Anyone please?

2019-09-10 12:33 am

回答 (7)

2019-09-10 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, Reboot. by turning off the power and even performing a power drain. (Remove power cord, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds, plug in and boot )

If you get the BSOD a second time, write down all the information in the top two lines. This can direct a tech to the issue.
2019-09-10 12:59 am
It's toast. Can you remove the hard drive and plug it into another computer as an auxilary drive? No guarantees that the next computer will be able to read it.
2019-09-11 6:42 am
You have to cold boot the computer. Meaning pull the cord if it is plugged in and leave it unplugged for 5 minutes so stuff cools down and the hot memory forgets. Then plug the computer back in or reconnect the battery pack and fire it up. Computer should start up again. If it is personal info, there is a good chance the computer held onto a copy of what you wrote. If it is on the web, then you got to go there again.
If the BSOD shows itself on the boot up then the machine is really sick. You need a tech person.
2019-09-10 12:34 am
2019-09-10 12:34 am
Have you tried rebooting and see if you get the blue screen again? Sometimes that is a loose wire on some important component and it is intermittent for a while.
2019-09-10 6:12 am
The easiest way would be to take it to a tech, alternatively download and burn to a DVD or USB Hirens boot pe iso file available here.
You will need a working computer and a blank DVD or USB.
Boot of the USB or DVD which will then run a live windows environment to allow you to copy off your files if they are accessible on the main drive.
2019-09-10 7:16 am
Hi. EASIEST method time-wise :

1) Download a Puppy linux version [] (Xenial for computers from past 10 years) & then download the YUMI utility [].

Use the YUMI utility to make the bootable Puppy linux flashdrive (128Gbs should clear most of Your files well unless You're a heavy movie downloader).

Boot from the flashdrive & "mount" sda1 by clicking on it once. That's Your Windows drive, if it's not it will be one of the "sda#" drives, just click each one to find the Windows drive.

Copy the files, or You can plug in an additional external USB harddrive up to 2Tbs to copy Your files onto.

Then You can try the Windows repair utility from an installation disc without losing what You need to keep.


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