If the UK Parliament is to be SUSPENDED, - why can the UK, NOT order the suspension, - preferably by the NECK, - of the idiot in charge?

2019-09-09 9:19 pm

回答 (4)

2019-09-09 10:26 pm
A large majority of people support what Boris is doing unlike the traitors who are the Remoaners.
2019-09-10 3:36 pm
It has not been suspended. It has been prorogued. Parliament works on annual sessions and these always end with prorogation shortly followed by the State Opening of Parliament to open the new session. One thing this does is clear the decks for a fresh start. For one thing, Parliament cannot vote on the same thing twice in the same session, so I should have thought that Brexit opponents would be pleased at another chance to vote on the Brexit deal. On the other hand, they don't ever want it when they're given the chance, so maybe it doesn't matter.

Note the word "annual". This session has been running since the general election over 2 years ago, so prorogation is over a year late. It was always intended to be a long session, but it should have ended in May or June. So it's still late, and the Prime Minister is merely doing what should have been done months ago. I fail to see why you are complaining at him for complying with the customary British constitution.

True, the period between prorogation and State Opening is longer than usual, and this is to accommodate party conference season. It is a bit rich of anyone to complain about Parliament being given less time to debate Brexit when they were all planning to go for a jolly at the seaside anyway. Parliament never sits for long in September because of this. If they were serious, they would have cancelled their conferences. Those never achieve anything anyway. Once upon a time they made policy, but they no longer do.

You also seem to forget that the death penalty was abolished in 1998. This was done so the UK could comply with the European Convention on Human Rights. The EU also requires this too - it will not let any country join if it uses the death penalty. There has been a recent spat with Hungary about this. If you want hanging to be possible again, we must have Brexit.
2019-09-09 9:27 pm
Depends on who you think is an idiot.
2019-09-09 10:02 pm
because its Corbyn that needs lynching

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