Has anyone had a positive pregnancy test during implantation?

2019-09-09 7:29 am

回答 (6)

2019-09-09 8:52 am
No is the short answer since there is no hCG yet to measure.
2019-09-09 8:43 am
How would that even be possible?

hCG causes a "positive" test. hCG isn't produced until after implantation. You can't test positive for something that isn't produced yet.
2019-09-09 7:39 am
That's not how it works
2019-09-09 9:16 am
That is simply impossible.

You might be able to detect it a few days later with a BLOOD test.
2019-09-09 9:00 am
A few days after implantation is the earliest you could get a BFP. My second pregnancy was from IVF, and since the embryo is placed directly into the uterus, implantation occurs within 24-48 hours. My first *very* faint BFP was 5 days after the transfer. I've heard of women get BFPs 4 days post-transfer, or even more rarely 3 days after, but that's not very common.
2019-09-09 8:02 am
No. Wait at least a week or until your period is due.

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