Is there someone just like this?

2019-09-08 4:38 am
I live in a small town and the nearest city is an hour away. I imagined one time when I was lonely that there was a girl a little bit younger than me that was in my grade who lived in this city. I was bullied in high school and I pictured her as being bullied as well. I imagined this girl having long bra strap length hair that was solid black with sad looking eyes that had a look of hope and compassion in them. I was lonely in school and I pictured her as being lonely as well. I had friends in high school but one of them moved away and girls always went for redneck guys. I imagined this girl as being sweet, kind, and shy but having a dirty mind. I imagined her liking classic rock, being an astronomy buff who enjoyed video games, anime and tennis, along with being non judgmental. I fantasized about me and her having so much in common that she's like a female me but with enough differences that we didn't get bored with each other. I wouldn't mind dating someone like this. Could someone like this or at least extremely similar exist?

回答 (3)

2019-09-08 5:11 am
A girl with a long black bra strap and into classic rock, tennis and astronomy. What are the chances?!
2019-09-08 4:54 am
I mean there could be, but I've learned not to envision being with girls who act a certain way or like certain things. You just have to feel different girls out and figure out if it could work in the long term. If you're really set on a girl like that I would look on dating websites that let people set up profiles that match folks up based on their interests.
2019-09-08 4:43 am
What is "bra strap length" hair? My bra straps rest on my shoulders. That would be shoulder length hair.

No, no one even remotely to what you have described exists. "Hope and compassion in her eyes"? Do you read a lot of romantic fiction?

You say you are 27 years old. You sound like a 12 year old female.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:48:24
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