Why do american idiots trim the ears on american staffys.?
回答 (5)
Because they are idiots, you answers your own question.
She said ....You answered your own question... Idiocy is one of the reasons another is to enhance the so called gangster look and their own personal vanity....Its i.m.h.o. a very cruel practice that should be outlawed worldwide....
Idiocy, the same reason you posted this seven times: "West Block 22nd Cripps"
Same reason they dock tails and cut ears on Danes and other breeds. It’s one thing if the do has continual ear infections and there is a medical issue like tail whip where the end is open and bleeding. Otherwise it’s vanity and stupidity since dogs no longer are fought in the states for fun legally.
I live in the United States and would never do something that cruel. It varies from person to person.
Though I'd never own any sort of bully breed either.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:18:41
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