What could happen to me if I disobey my parents?

2019-09-06 5:50 am
Before you start laughing, I’m 21 and I have a pretty strict father... I never disobeyed him and now he grounded me (at the age of 21) and I can’t go outside (for something stupid). I think that’s too much and that nobody can’t forbid me from exiting my home at my age. So I’m asking what could happen to me if I openly disobey him? I never rebelled my parents, I’d always done whatever they said. If I’m being childish please tell me that I’m wrong

回答 (13)

2019-09-06 5:56 am
The only thing he could really do, as has been stated so eloquently below, is throw you out. Although if it's financially feasible, you might want to look into moving out anyway. It sounds like the relationship you have is unhealthy, age-inappropriate and impossible for you to set any boundaries in. 'Grounding' you at 21 is absurd, you should have been starting to establish boundaries with your parents before that really. I knew a girl who was in a similar situation to you and because she never said or did anything about it and just took it she actually got to 29 (!) with the situation being exactly the same. I'd try to straighten it out before it extends well into extremely inappropriate years.
2019-09-06 6:06 am
You are an adult. He can't ground you any more.
2019-09-06 5:51 am
Kick your *** out of the house.
2019-09-07 3:18 am
That depends upon where you are living. If you are still living in your parents' home, you are subject to their rules and requests, despite your adult age. If not, you are entirely free to live your own life as you please. The choice is yours, are you prepared to become independent? If not , it may be time. Good luck,
2019-09-06 6:38 am
kick you out of the house...............................
2019-09-07 11:16 pm
Doesn't actually sound like this is YOUR home and when you're living on the largesse of others rules often come with that free room and board. Suggest you work on ways to finance your independence by earning enough money to move out of your father's home.
2019-09-06 10:36 pm
Hello, i add, if your father say true advice then try to accept it usually, if not try to avoid it, if the family bad then a god facilitate good persons from you to help you always, and we improve the life always, in other hands we from the now from a god and scientifically the now that if the parent anywhere is good then will have good childs, and the relation be natural forever, and if the parents is bad then they will have bad childs, and the child be "socially but not material" the child be father or mother of the parents, and this the parents "socially" be the son of the childs forever.. thus the good person has childs, and the bad person give his/her fathers/mothers socially..
2019-09-06 5:25 pm
Ooh you are in trouble. Ok I am done.
A: he can put you out, he can take away any assistance that he maybe giving you.
You know there’s rule in your family home.
But if you got that money to be an independent individual then go for it but be responsible and respectful when you exit the family home.
2019-09-06 9:21 am
Your home or his home? Who owns it?
2019-09-06 8:17 am
i would just move out and then this wont be an issue
2019-09-06 8:12 am
At 21 you’re an adult. He can’t ground you. It’s time for you to get out of there and get your own place, and with him being ridiculously strict you may not have a choice when you stand up to him. Make sure you have money to support yourself until you can get a job if you don’t already have one.
2019-09-06 6:41 am
You are a adult they shouldnt be doing that
2019-09-06 6:08 am
Obviously that is between you and your parents.

Here are some general suggestions I make to younger teens in case you might get some helpful ideas from them. Ask to have a serious discussion with your parents about how they see things panning out in the coming months and years. It needs to be fairly rational, so if one of you becomes too emotional (e.g. angry) it would be best to time out and try again another time. Prepare in advance what you would like to say and ask: write a plan, even.

As you reach each birthday, for example, or each new school year, what rights, freedoms and responsibilities will you have? Chores, pocket money, curfews, dating, etc. will all come into it, obviously. You can't really expect something for nothing, so think about what you can put into the family and household as part of your negotiations as to what you can get.

If you are to grow into a responsible adult, it must be a gradual process: if they keep you wrapped up in cotton wool and then suddenly let you out of the box at eighteen, you won't have enough experience to know how to handle it.

That said, your parent(s) is/are responsible for your safety and welfare during this time: no doubt they love you and they themselves have the experiences you don't yet. Seeing things on t.v. and hearing your friends' (exaggerated?) stories aren't quite the same.

If they don't want to do this, ask them if they will please consider a plan and talk again in a week or so. All plans need to be a little flexible, as unexpected things can happen, of course.

Hopefully this will show that you have a maturing attitude to your family and your life.

I hope you can get it sorted.

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