Why did Christian's burn millions at the stake for imaginary crimes like witchcraft?

2019-09-05 5:16 am

回答 (22)

2019-09-05 5:22 am
Millions? Do you have a cite for that statistic?

I'm not saying that even one is acceptable but let's not lie about things, right?
2019-09-05 5:41 am
Christian's what? And who's Christian? Whoever he is, he didn't burn millions.
2019-09-05 5:32 am
It wasn't millions or even hundreds of thousands.
2019-09-05 1:34 pm
The term you expressed: Christian's is proper, I admire your understanding of history which avoided pointing a finger at a particular Church.

Truthfully, the actual number was between 40K to 60K (16th to 17th century).

Allow me to expand:
Let no one argue that witch-hunting was a predominantly Protestant activity. Both Catholic and Protestant lands saw light and heavy hunts.
Ironically, the worst courts were local "Community-based" courts were often virtual slaughterhouses, killing 90% of all accused witches.

Consider Joan of Arch (burned at the stake; witch).
The death of Joan of Arc was a rigged bogus Inquisition set up by the English to kill the French heroine that defeated them.
Furthermore, it was not about heresy or the English Church putting its thumb on women.
Remember, the French Church (catholic) empowered her to lead the French troops as a religious visionary against the English.
Joan continually appealed for her right to see the Pope, but the corrupt English court would not allow it because they knew the Pope would have set her free.
This was not a Church crime, it was a crime of the English against the French.

Many witches faced similar circumstances that had nothing to do with religion.
2019-09-05 5:16 am
Who doesn't like BBQ...
2019-09-05 12:39 pm
[citation required]

Thats a myth.


(from the History Channel website)

Were witches burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials?

In January 1692, a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts became consumed by disturbing “fits” accompanied by seizures, violent contortions and bloodcurdling screams. A doctor diagnosed the children as being victims of black magic, and over the next several months, allegations of witchcraft spread like a virus through the small Puritan settlement. Twenty people were eventually executed as witches, but contrary to popular belief, none of the condemned was burned at the stake. In accordance with English law, 19 of the victims of the Salem Witch Trials were instead taken to the infamous Gallows Hill to die by hanging. The elderly Giles Corey, meanwhile, was pressed to death with heavy stones after he refused to enter an innocent or guilty plea. Still more accused sorcerers died in jail while awaiting trial.

The myth of burnings at the stake in Salem is most likely inspired by European witch trials, where execution by fire was a disturbingly common practice. Medieval law codes such as the Holy Roman Empire’s “Constitutio Criminalis Carolina” stipulated that malevolent witchcraft should be punished by fire, and church leaders and local governments oversaw the burning of witches across parts of modern day Germany, Italy, Scotland, France and Scandinavia. Historians have since estimated that the witch-hunt hysteria that peaked between the 15th and 18th centuries saw some 50,000 people executed as witches in Europe. Many of these victims were hanged or beheaded first, but their bodies were typically incinerated afterwards to protect against postmortem sorcery. Other condemned witches were still alive when they faced the flames, and were left to endure an excruciating death by burning and inhalation of toxic fumes.

2019-09-05 5:38 am
I have heard that most were secular authorities and amounted at most t0 3000.
Evil and bad but not what you say
2019-09-05 5:30 am
Because these misguided religious people ignored the teachings of Jesus and His apostles in which "Love your neighbor" as well as "Love your enemy" is prominently emphasized. It is a consistent pattern in the gospels that all of Jesus' teachings are represented by the samples of His actions, non of which involves killing and punishment, but care and compassion specially towards the poor and the outcasts.
Edit: "Millions"? If people like Hitler say they're Christians, you are gullible if you choose to believe that he truly represents the religion.
2019-09-06 5:54 am
Think about the 30 years war from 1618 to 1648 where the Catholic and Protestant Religions slaughtered one another to the total of 8 to 12 million victims (some sources say more). Yes, Christendom has been a horror to mankind...but that is NOT true Christianity.

God's Son Christ Jesus not only taught Love for our neighbors but also said we should LOVE our enemies at Matthew 5:44,

About 2.3 Billion people claim to be Christians, but the truth is that the Bible teaches clearly that only very few on this earth are acting like REAL Christians.
Matthew 7:13,14 says.... “Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it."

Many wars have been fought either because of or in spite of Religion and that is simply the truth that any good history book clearly shows.

If people really acted like Christians they would avoid war and really LOVE their neighbors of every belief,,race, culture or nationality.

If you care to see the difference between what Mainstream churches teach and what the Bible REALLY teaches please have a look at this beautiful site https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/bible-teach/

Thank you for asking.
2019-09-05 5:23 am
Who haven't the Christians killed.... They have had their hands on every kind of person.
參考: Panenetheist
2019-09-05 5:21 am
Catholics did that not Christians.
2019-09-05 5:39 am
For control. Control the masses and you rule.
2019-09-05 8:21 am
In order to force & enforce their religion on the peoples and captive congregations in short to spread their evil religion using the Tool of terror.... The pyre, the dipping stool , the inquisitions, and the block: Heres a little music for you to listen to and read the lyics of..... it will also answer your question completely...... enjoy

2019-09-05 5:28 am
Christians, not Christian's. Learn basic grammar. That's just a thing that ignorant, hateful people liked to do. They would probably still be doing it were it not for our modern laws.
2019-09-05 11:25 am
To instill obedience in their followers and because they thought their book told them to.
2019-09-05 5:22 am
Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these... [20] Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, [21] ...Of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
2019-09-05 12:35 pm
Christians don't do such things. There are and have been many misguided people claiming to be "Christians", please don't confuse them with those that truly are Christians.
2019-09-05 5:22 am
They're always calling them Dues
2019-09-06 8:37 am
It wasn't all Christians
2019-09-05 12:46 pm
Christians did not. God removed them from the Earth...
2019-09-05 5:49 am
that because of narcissist
2019-09-05 5:17 am
they were defeated at war

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