Is it ok for him to worry about me this much?/treat me like a child?

2019-09-04 7:03 pm
Hes always worrying im going to cut myself if im preparing food, (it happened once when I was distracted)
He refuses to let me carry anything he thinks is too heavy. (even a few plates)
If I try and open something he will rush over to take it from me and help.
The other day I felt a little dizzy he grabbed my shoulders and pinched me saying it was the only way to get through to me and I had to sit down.
He's always concerned to know if I've eaten or if someone's around to watch me if I feel ill. I can't even cough without him freaking out. He says he doesn't want a thing to happen to me.
I'm petite but not weak!

回答 (3)

2019-09-04 9:52 pm
i think hes overdoing it to be honest
2019-09-04 7:07 pm
It might be okay if you were disabled, but no, even then, that's overbearing.
2019-09-04 7:06 pm
It's all up to you. If you are ok with it, then it's ok. If you are not ok with it, then you better tell him that...

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