employer calls during day off accept or decline ?

2019-08-30 9:59 pm
is for overtime

回答 (18)

2019-08-31 1:23 am
I would assume you don't have to accept...but if you want extra money and they are offering...then take it. Otherwise, be prepared for them to move you down the list of backup...meaning less extra shifts here and there.

Managers will call the person they think will cover first, to avoid wasting time. If you turn them down too often, they'll just stop calling.
2019-08-30 10:03 pm
If it was me I'd be calling in a heartbeat to accept the overtime.
2019-08-30 10:32 pm
its up to you if you want overtime, otherwise decline
2019-08-30 10:52 pm
It's your choice. I would always accept, unless there was something really big happening, like a wedding. Loved my job.
2019-08-30 10:25 pm
That's your personal preference. Why would you even ask complete strangers?

Do you want the money? Are you able to do it? That's all that matters. Again, there is nothing a stranger can help you with here.
2019-09-02 6:18 am
If you want to keep your job - ANSWER the phone!
2019-08-31 12:37 pm
It's up to u. I say yes about 60% of the time. That seems to make then happy.
2019-08-31 7:54 am
Depends. Is it a job/company you want to stay with long term, or is it simply a job that you will ditch as soon as you can? If it is just a paycheck till finding something/anything better, just ignore it. Say you turned your personal cell off cause you can't afford minutes. They can give you a raise and a company paid cell phone if they want you on call.
2019-08-30 10:21 pm
i assume you got approved for the day off by your employer. you're in no obligation to accept. you can listen to their voicemail if they leave one, then determine on the scenario, it's up to you to respond or not.
2019-08-30 10:20 pm
If it's in the terms of your contract then you must accept otherwise it's optional but best to accept if you have no good reason not to.

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