How would I ask to order the kind of egg I want at a diner?

2019-08-29 10:03 am
I thought it would be over hard but it’s not exactly what I want. The way I cook them at home is I crack the egg onto the pan, let the whites cook a little bit, then I break the yolk open with my spatula and let the yolk run out over the whites. Once it has cooked a little more, I flip it over and cook it fully until both sides are a brown in some spots but not burnt. I then put this egg on a buttered piece of whole wheat bread and sprinkle with salt and pepper. I looked up a over hard egg and it has the egg yolk in the center fully cooked and not broken before being flipped which I don’t like because of the overwhelming taste of the yolk. How would I order the way I like my egg cooked at the diner? Thanks

回答 (11)

2019-08-29 10:09 am
"Over hard with the yolks broken".

I like eggs very similar to that. There's sunny side up, there's 'over easy' (meaning the egg is just turned over for a second so the yolk is still runny). Then there's 'over firm' and 'over hard'

Most cooks don't know the difference between 'over firm' and 'over hard', so I just ask for over hard. When I make one myself it's over firm. (To get over firm you need to watch the egg and I'm guessing cooks are just too busy to just drop everything else they're doing and watch my egg, so I don't blame them.)

But most cooks would know 'over hard with the yolk broken'. Try that and see what you get!
2019-08-29 10:01 pm
I don't understand what the problem is supposed to be.Its' a very simple thing to order it the way you described in your "question".Its' not rocket science to ask for it your way. Thats' what diners do. Jeez
2019-08-29 1:44 pm
over hard with the yolk broken.
2019-08-29 10:57 am
This is not a conventional cooking style, so there is no term for it.
2019-08-31 12:51 pm
just ask what you wanttttttttttttttttt
2019-08-31 8:21 am
Try, fried egg, over hard (or over medium), and break the yolk. See what you get.
2019-08-30 8:15 pm
Eggs are disgusting and completely ruined of there is ANY crispiness, this is because it’s WAY too hard for my sensitive teeth and it overall does not taste any good.
2019-08-30 1:03 pm
Most restaurants/diners recognize "over hard" as flipping with a broken yolk.
2019-08-29 12:13 pm
I suggest that you ask at the diner, describe that to your waitress and ask if it has a name. It might not have a name, but you never know, maybe it’s something like over hard with a broken yolk.

If you have a particular diner you like it eat at you can also tell them that is how you like your eggs, be sure to thank them and tip well and be complimentary about it, even if they don’t quite get it right the first time. AFter a couple times they’ll remember you and you can ask for your “usual”, at least that’s what I can do at my favorite breakfast place.
2019-08-29 11:00 am
That's called a fried egg. That's how they would cook them for a fried egg sandwich
2019-08-29 10:39 am
Over hard, break the yolk before flipping.

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