if you living with your spouse/significant other and one person works part time and one works full time how should the bills be split ?

2019-08-26 8:59 am

回答 (8)

2019-08-27 3:27 am
We don't split bills, we pool our resources
and just pay. To us, any other way would
seem more of a business arrangement
rather than a marriage.
2019-08-26 2:58 pm
my husband has always been paying for everything, even when i worked FULL time. if he needed me to contribute to some travelling expenses he would just say so and i paid from my bank account. i wouldn't get together with a man who would start making mathematics on who pays what. it is not your money his money. it is your both money. u contribute as needed
2019-08-26 1:40 pm
I would say as per percentage of income - the one earning more pays a bit more. BUT then the one who is home more should be doing a bit more of the household chores as their contribution.
2019-08-28 1:16 am
However you both decide to split the bills. This will differ greatly between households.
2019-08-26 3:59 pm
50-50. If you don’t like that, why don’t you get a second job or work more hours
2019-08-26 11:41 am
We have always combined everything into the same fund and paid out the bills, divided up equal petty cash funds, pulled out savings/investments, all from the same pot every month. Who pays what has not been a part of our reality.. ever.
2019-08-26 11:10 am
Its entirely up to both of you, to come to some mutually satisfying agreement. Do know that money issues are probably the single greatest source of conflict in a marriage. The goal is for each of you to really agree on whatever method of handling the money should be. If you cannot decide on your own,a counselor may be of some help here.
2019-08-26 9:29 am
With your spouse, you pool your incomes and share all expenses equally. That is part of being married. That's how the law sees you too -- as a combined financial and legal entity. With a non-spouse, it is up to the couple. They can choose to still cover things 50/50, by percentage based on hours work with the combined total hours equalling 100%, by percentage based on their income rather than the number of house they work, or they can each maintain completely independent costs.

The key here is that couples SHARE their space and the financial consequences of sharing a space. Just like with roommates or housemates, things like utilities and rent are shared equally regardless of how much anyone makes or how many hours they work. The cost of personal expenses like food, clothing, entertainment, person care products can either be shared or individual.

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