the most previous?

2019-08-25 8:48 pm
Sales results from the most previous quarter were a big surprise to all of us.

請問"the previous quarter"
跟"the most previous quarter"

回答 (2)

2019-08-25 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(the) previous quarter(s): 前(幾)幾季
the most previous quarter: 最近一季

most 翻成「最」

如果是我來寫這句英文,我會用”last quarter"來取代”the most previous quarter”。
2019-08-25 10:49 pm
the previous quarters
the most previous quarter--最近的一季
last quarter=the most previous quarter.
ie:-at the end of each quarter;
ie:-the first quarter
Isn't it the quarter yet ?

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