請英文大大幫忙翻譯 以夏荊山處世方式,擷取畫作中的物件或文字意義重新銓釋。 藉由三個主題來傳達(公益 是由內而外善的表現) (1)心是善惡之源 (2)文化的意義 (3)與自然共存 參考文字- 夏荊山Xia Jing Shan?

2019-08-25 10:10 am

有些字句已有其他英文好手幫忙過 再請幫我整理整段文字 參考文字- 夏荊山Xia Jing Shan (1)公益是由內而外-善的表現 Social welfare concerns about well-being from inside out. (2)文化的意義 The meaning of culture (3)與自然共存- 沒請人翻譯過 謝謝


請英文大大幫忙翻譯 以夏荊山處世方式,擷取畫作中的物件或文字意義重新銓釋。 藉由三個主題來傳達(公益 是由內而外善的表現) (1)心是善惡之源 (2)文化的意義 (3)與自然共存

回答 (2)

2019-08-25 11:26 am

藉由三個主題來傳達(公益 是由內而外善的表現) (1)心是善惡之源 (2)文化的意義 (3)與自然共存
the revelations (of that philanthropy is an outward presentation of kindness) via three doctrines of
(1) soul, the source of all good and evil
(2) significance of cultures
(3) fusion with nature
2019-08-25 8:46 pm
The way of life to re-interpret the literary meaning of the painting in shared cultural way of Master Xia Jing Shan by 3 themes to convey,to make known social welfare concerning well-being,external from internal, philanthropically(=give money to poor) are:-
(1)believe in the soul 心靈 is source of all good&evil
(2)significance of culture has the following true meaning:-, arts, beliefs, social institutions,characteristic of a race, heritage, inheritance from ancestors.
(3)a co-existence with nature

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