Can I see a doctor without my parents finding out?

2019-08-25 5:57 am
I’m 19, from Canada & I’m still on my parents’ health insurance. I would like to make a doctors appointment and get a procedure done without my parents finding out. But I heard that since I’m on their health insurance, even though a doctor can’t tell them about my visit, they’ll see it on the eob. I’m so confused and have looked this up for hours and still don’t really understand, is there anyway I could do this without them finding out anyway?

回答 (3)

2019-08-25 7:37 am
You are not "on your parent's health insurance". Canadian health insurance is available to all people regardless of age, employment, or income. You have your own health card and at your age your parents have no ability to see how you use it without your consent.

If you're talking about extended benefits for things not covered by public insurance, then you will have to negotiate with your parents for use of their plan because they will clearly see some charge back to their plan on that.

But you can also pay for those services yourself. Or get a job that has extended health insurance coverage, which isn't as hard in Canada because all basic services are covered by the public plan making extended coverage for the rest far cheaper to provide.

But if you're looking at such services, and want to use your parent's plan, you have to have their consent, end of story. If you want to be independent of their control, pay for it yourself.

But what kind of "procedure" is this? There's very little covered only by extended health coverage that would be so embarassing that you'd want to hide it from your parents. Abortion is covered under public health care. You can get psychiatric care through public care (although it's harder to do, and certainly easier to arrange through private practice covered by extended health insurance...) Physical therapy or dentist appointments shoudn't be something your parents would freak out about. And totally elective surgery like nose jobs or liposuction aren't covered by any insurance. Plus you can't really hide the results - if you can you've wasted your money.

Get your own family doctor on your own health card and get the right recommendations for you relevant to the Canadian context - simply saying you're under your parents insurance suggests you don't really know how Canadian insurance even works, so start there.
2019-08-25 6:07 am
Yes. Don't use the health insurance. Pay using only your own money instead.
2019-08-25 6:03 am
If you go to a planned parenthood you would have more protection. If you go anywhere else, billing will show that you are getting a procedure done. Usually they use codes, but your parents will be able to look it up. That's the problem with being on your parents insurance...they receive the bills.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:36:10
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