
2019-08-21 10:00 am
豈料英國 HM passport office 覆我: my “passport provided for renewal is not on our records or the Hong Kong data base”。後來幾經交涉,對方仍堅持我一定要出示 “Nationality Certificate to confirm you hold BNO status” 或 “you MUST contact your Hong Kong government to obtain evidence that you were registered as a BNO with them”, “if this cannot be provided we cannot renew the passport”。
我昨天已去香港入境處的 Nationality sub-department ,他們堅持說他們不是「發証機構」,不會給我任何証明,又說資料已當年 handover 了云云,甚至不肯 black and white 回覆寫給我說「不會給我任何証明」。於是乎我再去香港英國縂領事館問,和我對話的那位女士只是冷冷的說不關他們事,並指我 ”asked the wrong place”,叫我找回英國的 HMPO 或者 Home Office。
請問有冇人知我點樣可找到 “Hong Kong government to obtain evidence that[I was] registered as a BNO with them”?

回答 (1)

2019-08-21 3:07 pm
The only way to obtain the BN(O) before 1997 was to apply for the BN(O) Passport. So there is no certificate whatsoever.

Once turnover, the Immigration Department indeed handed over all relevant records to the British Consulate General Hong Kong (BCGHK), which is under the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

Identity and Passport Service (IPS), the predecessor of HMPO, in the past, was generally not responsible for BN(O) Passports as most of the BN(O) Passport holders are not in the U.K. (IPS only handles domestic applications). Instead, the FCO was responsible for BN(O) Passport issuance for most of the time.

It is unknown if the data has further passed alone to another office. But, generally, consulate staffs would not handle walk-in inquiries when the situation is complicated. In this case, you should request your Passport record, in writing, from BCGHK first, and then FCO if unsuccessful.

If your old passport is indeed a BN(O) Passport issued by the Immigration Department, it would be a matter of time and money your problem would be resolved.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 11:43:34
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