What was your opinion of abortion when your mother was pregnant with you? For? or, against?

2019-08-21 4:16 am

回答 (15)

2019-08-21 4:18 am
I had no opinions on the matter when my mother was pregnant for me. I had no opinions at all yet.
2019-08-21 4:17 am
Really? This is the best you can come up with?
2019-08-21 5:29 am
When I was a zygote, embryo, and fetus, I had zero opinions about abortion. Or really about anything.

As a sentient human being I am honestly grateful to be the daughter of a pro-choice mother and born in an era where abortion was legal and safe. Because of that I can guarantee that I was wanted and loved even before I existed. Not all children can claim that much.
Either way, I wouldn't care.

There were hundreds of thousands of eggs inside my mother
There were millions of sperm inside my father
The chances of them meeting and having sex were already miniscule
Most of the fertilized eggs that they produced never attached to the uterine wall
There was a 1/3 chance that once a fertilized egg attached, it would detach later, causing a miscarriage
Even after all of that, there was still a chance that I'd be stillborn.
And within 100 years of my death, it is a guarantee that everybody who ever knew me will have also passed on, which means that for all intents and purposes, there will be nobody who'll have any sentimental or emotional attachment to me. My life will be nothing more than the data points for statistical analysis of population dynamics.

The point is that the chances against me being here are so astronomical, that I don't really regard it as being that special, since we all beat those same astronomical odds. One of the sperm cells that I beat out could have been the cell that would have figured out a way to treat a variety of cancers (it's unlikely, but possible), or it could have been the cell that had a tendency for drug abuse and child grooming. Potato, potahto. But once you start trying to throw emotion and personal feelings into the mix, objectivity, by definition, is out the window. Had my mother aborted me, I wouldn't have cared and society, the world, and the universe would have taken no notice. Some jackwad would have written some meme poem for morons to share on Facebook and some church would have their annual "Cemetery for the Defenseless!" mass of crossed gravemarkers put up, claiming to speak on my behalf (but if I was born, they'd stop caring, until I started to devote my time and money to them).

So at the end of the day, I don't care. Life's a set of chemical reactions that got out of hand and we've turned it into a farce.
2019-08-21 8:06 am
Fetuses do not have opinions.
2019-08-21 7:16 am
I had no opinion on anything when my mother was pregnant with me. How stupid are you?

It wouldn't have mattered anyway, Roe v Wade didn't go through until after I was born. But when I did find myself pregnant after a rape in 1989, I wouldn't have chosen abortion for anything.
2019-08-21 2:21 pm
I don't understand what you're asking? Are you trying to argue that no one would want their own mother to think of an abortion when she was pregnant with us?

I believe that women are completely capable of deciding if they're prepared to raise a child. I trust women. I think abortion should be available to all women. I also believe that our soul is unique to each of us, and that it doesn't exist in our body until shortly before we're born, so that my soul would have gone into another body if this one had been aborted.
2019-08-21 4:52 am
I am very thankful my young, single, scared mother chose life for me, then made an adoption plan.
2019-08-21 4:17 am
Judging by the logic behind your question and the grammatical errors.......
2019-08-22 9:40 am
I would not want to kill my children however I wish my mother had killed me then I wouldn’t have to endure being alive.
2019-08-21 4:25 am
We were all a unborn baby inside our mothers bodies at some time and obviously in favor of continuing our journey down the berth canal to a joyous berth.
2019-08-22 9:50 pm
I asked her to but she ignored me.
2019-08-22 1:26 am
I honestly would rather have been aborted ...and I often feel guilty for forcing my own children to live. I would never have an abortion myself, though.
2019-08-22 12:18 am
I had no opinion about abortion when my mother was pregnant with me. When my mother was pregnant with me, I didn't know she was pregnant and I didn't even know that I existed.
2019-08-21 8:43 pm
I was a fetus & lacked the brain to
understand what Abortion was but looking
back it would have been better for her to
abort me.

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