
2019-08-19 1:05 pm

回答 (2)

2019-08-19 6:34 pm
The average young children writing in English is very poor on the average.They have the same poor content and/or structure. When putting something down in writing, the sense of a compo should be:-"Write More, then Progress, To Improve,To Develop, To Achieve of . The 3 stages of Introduction, main body, and conclusion should be used:-
Sample on writing "My Naughty Little Sister"
(1)Introduction:-It should explain the purpose, what the subject of it is---who writes--what the main sources are:-英文文章写作 之序導言 前言介绍 是文章起始結構=介绍一些什麼?
-----When I was a little boy, my naughty little sister was a very little girl. "There was not that bad of her ? I am glad you are not thinking like that" The readers will really like the writing as of the little sister herself as in the composition.
(2)Main body of the compo:-This contains the information you have collected in a no. of essential points----ensure the most information comes first---then the details---treating the defined points in the details:-承+轉為3点要旨内容; 即3真意; 3目錄而持實義; 3詞目錄下 盡情盡量 説明其前的 統目次序下的跟着解釋. eg:-Nos. 3 etc.=the general 3 ideas of an article; a good 3 expressions in words or phrases.
-------Nothing in it is very far from the experience of a small child today 2019 as set in today.No big events take place yet just ordinary things that occur in every small child's life today; such as amusement parks, wobbly teeth=uncertain teething, and birthday parties in school and home.
Conclusion:-A brief, easy to understand paragraph giving an overview of the writing gained from the realizable,suggestive ideas in the main body of the compo:-最後結果所得结論 是最後勝負 争後之優劣奌;有冇爭論餘地;结論性的 命題證據 並不容反駁的 確定文章好不好之结構.;憑结論前之起承轉及合.
-----The naughty little sister is not really so bad, just disobedient不服從, thoughtless無思想 and stubborn顽固..The behaviour of naughty children in HK should be added with mischievous淘氣,頑皮, bad不正經, indecent粗鄙下流 and titillatin興奮過度活躍=curiosity; like many naughty little children.The young ideas,the children in mind would give us a good food for thought.
2019-08-20 12:45 pm
其實writing係要多寫先可以有改進,我大仔係jolly kingdom上左個writing course,佢學完真係有改善,學校老師都話佢進步左好多。或者你試下報個比小朋友去學下先~

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